The final project has deliverables at two points. Unlike other assignments, you will submit deliverables to the instructor via email. Please pay attention to the specifics below. All students enrolled in EECE.5560 are required to complete a project. Students in EECE.4560 do not need to contribute to a project.
The project is open-ended, allowing you to choose your own group members and topic. Please assemble into groups of 3-4 and think of an idea that demonstrates your mastery of robotics. Think about the upcoming topics in the class and how to integrate them into your work. This project is worth 20% of your final grade, propose something that will be worth that!
No later than March 23, 2021, email the instructor:
As you work on your final project, stay in contact with the instructor about your progress. It is your responsibility to ensure the project is completed by the date of the final in this class (Thursday May 6, 2021 at 6:30PM).
Submission instructions: one member of your group should email the instructor your final report and information about accessing your code. Details below.
Each group member should submit to blackboard the name of the group member who is sending me the report and a short statement listing your contribution to the project.
Grading for the final project:
Technical design/implementation: 75 points (includes code submission on a git repo)
Demonstration: 25 points (prefer “live” during/after your presentation but can be video)
Written report: 50 points
Presentation: 50 points
Written reports and presentations will be graded according to this breakdown, with some modification as needed by different project topics:
Problem statement (5 points)
Design alternatives (including any relevant related work) (5 points)
Design (what did you intend to do) (10 points)
Implementation (how did you implement your design) (10 points)
Results (what happened when you tested your implementation) (10 points)
Revision(s) (discuss any redesign, reimplementation, new results – if none, discuss how you prevented problems) (5 points)
Conclusion and Future Work (what should the next group do to continue this) (5 points)