This homework will demonstrate your understanding of odometry on differential drive robots. You will create your own package, node, and launch file to interact with a package provided in the class repo. A ROS bagfile has been provided that contains the distances two wheels on a differential drive robot have traveled at each time step. Note that this is the incremental update to the distance traveled by the wheels, not the wheel ticks. Another node has been provided that takes in world x, y, theta points and graphs them. You need to fill in the gap. Assume that the baseline between wheels 2L=0.1m (so L=0.05m) and wheel distances are given in meters.
A ROS package, odometry_hw, has been provided for you in the class template repo in the EECE5560 folder. You should not need to modify this package. The package contains:
Turn in to Qualtrics:
Turn in to Blackboard:
10 points: Submission details (tag, instructions, etc)
5 points: Single launch file to start everything
10 points: Node connected to correct topics
10 points: Correct math/algorithm for odometry
5 points: Correct output graph