1. What is the truth table for a circuit that takes in inputs A and B and outputs the result of A < B? (4 points)
  2. Draw a circuit made of logic gates that performs the operation in Q1. (4 points)
  3. Perform long multiplication in binary on the problem 11 x 23. (4 points)
  4. Perform long division in binary on the problem 34/3. Give the integer result and the remainder in binary. (4 points)
  5. Convert the following numbers to hexadecimal: (8 points)
    1. 7
    2. 11
    3. 34
    4. 617
  6. For the following questions, use the memory table below and assume that a word size is 32-bit and the system is little endian. The address for each line of one word-width is on the left for reference. (6 points)
    NOTE: This table is the same as the table on slide 14 of lecture 4. Feel free to use that if the formatting is easier to read.
0x00 0xA0 0x16 0x84 0xFF
0x04 0xF2 0xEF 0xD3 0xB6
0x08 0xC6 0xFA 0x72 0xB2
0x0C 0xC7 0xF0 0xBE 0xEF
0x10 0x27 0x72 0xEC 0xAA
0x14 0x86 0xB5 0xA3 0xC1
0x18 0xA0 0x7B 0xDE 0xDE
  1. What word starts at 0x0C? Is it aligned?
  2. What word starts at 0x03? Is it aligned?
  3. What word starts at 0x0a? Is it aligned?