EECE.3170 HW2

Submit a PDF with the answers to the questions below to Blackboard. Please make sure your name is on the PDF and copy the question before each answer.

  1. Convert the following numbers to 8-bit binary. For negative numbers, use 2s complement. (8 points)
    1. 125
    2. 77
    3. -33
    4. -86
    5. -1
    6. 127
    7. -128
    8. 0
  2. Convert the follow 8-bit SIGNED binary numbers to decimal (4 points)
    1. 00111110
    2. 11100101
    3. 10000110
    4. 00011100
  3. Perform the requested operations on the binary inputs below. (4 points)
    1. 00110001 AND 10000111
    2. 00101001 XOR 10101010
    3. 00101011 PLUS 01100011
    4. 11100110 PLUS 01100011
  4. Perform long multiplication in binary to solve the following. For full credit, show all work. (4 points)
    1. 5×13
    2. 31×8
  5. Perform long division in binary to solve the following. For full credit, show all work. (4 points)
    1. 30/2
    2. 16/3
  6. What is the truth table for a circuit that determines a <= b? (3 points)
  7. Draw a circuit that implements the function in 6. (3 points)