In this assignment, you will create one ROS node that interacts with a ROS service and a ROS action server. This will allow you to compare the difference between ROS services and actions. Both provided packages (see below) calculate the Fibonacci sequence to a desired order. Your node should:
Also create a launch file that starts:
Included in the course folder in your repository is the example_service package. This package contains a node,, a custom service type, Fibonacci.srv, and a launch file, fibonacci.launch. You can start the service using the launch file.
Once you start the service you can see it advertised using:
$ rosservice list
Find details about the service using:
$ rosservice info <service_name>
Learn about the service type (given by the above command) using:
$ rossrv show <package>/<srv>
Call the service using:
$ rosservice call <service_name> <number>
It should return the Fibonacci sequence to the length of the number you provide.
Also included in the course folder in your repository is the example_action_server package. This package contains two nodes:
$ rosrun example_action_server
It will display the 10 element Fibonacci sequence. You can change the number of elements by editing the file at line 26.
The package also contains a launch file that can be used to start the action server and the action type used by the server.
Turn in to Blackboard:
20 points: Answers to above questions
10 points: Service proxy and call
10 points Action client component