Submit a PDF with the answers to the questions below to Blackboard. Please make sure your name is on the PDF and copy the question before each answer.
Describe the five main components of the von Neumann architecture in a sentence each. (10 points)
What is the late penalty for homework assignments in this class? (2 points)
When and where are the professor’s office hours? (3 points)
Create a Turing machine that performs an OR function. The system should read an item, move right, then read that new item and write the result of OR in its place. When it is done, it should move right and do it again. (5 points)
Challenge question (full credit for making an attempt) (5 points)
Imagine an infinitely long tape containing 0 in every position. Write a three state Turing machine that 1) makes the longest continuous set of 1’s on the tape and 2) halts when it is done. Use state H for halt. State H does NOT count towards your three states. For example, you could use H, A, B, C as states. (5 points)