J. Michael O’Connor, P. Hendrik Pretorius, Karen Johnson, Michael A. King, A Method to Synchronize Signals from Multiple Patient Monitoring Devices Through a Single Input Channel for Inclusion in List-Mode Acquisitions. Med. Phys., Med. Phys. 40(12), December 2013.
J. Michael O’Connor, Mini Das, Clay S. Didier, Mufeed Mahd, Stephen J. Glick, Generation of voxelized breast phantoms from surgical mastectomy specimens, Med. Phys. 40(4), April 2013.
Das M, Gifford HC, O’Connor JM, Glick SJ. Penalized maximum likelihood reconstruction for improved microcalcification detection in breast tomosynthesis. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 30(4), 904-14. (2011).
Das Mini, Gifford Howard C., O’Connor J. Michael, Glick Stephen J. Evaluation of a variable dose acquisition technique for microcalcification and mass detection in digital breast tomosynthesis. Med. Phys. 36 (6), 1976-1984. (2009).
Chen Yu, Liu Bob, O’Connor J. Michael, Didier Clay S., Glick Stephen J. Characterization of scatter in cone-beam CT breast imaging: Comparison of experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. Med. Phys. 36 (3), 857-869. (2009).
Conference Proceedings (as first author)
J. Michael O’Connor, Manish Sharma, Anitha Singareddy, Annette Schmid. Development of discordant likelihood metrics for use in evaluation of “double reviewer” performance in Blinded Independent Central Review (BICR) RECIST imaging studies. Medical Imaging 2017: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment. (Vol 10136) Orlando, FL. SPIE [Oral Presentation].
J. Michael O’Connor, P. Hendrik Pretorius, Howard C. Gifford, Robert Licho, Samuel Joffe, Matthew McGuiness, Shannon Mehurg, Michael Zacharias, Jovan G. Brankov. Creation of an Ensemble of Simulated Cardiac Cases and a Human Observer Study: Tools for the Development of a Numerical Observer for SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging. Medical Imaging 2012: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment. (Vol 8318) San Diego, CA. SPIE [Oral Presentation]
J. Michael O’Connor, Howard C. Gifford, Jovan G. Brankov, P. Hendrik Pretorius, Incorporating Holistic Visual Search Concepts into a SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Numerical Observer. Medical Imaging 2011: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment. (Vol 7966), Orlando, FL. SPIE [Oral Presentation]
J. Michael O’Connor, Mini Das, Clay Didier, Mufeed Mah’d and Stephen J. Glick. Development of an Ensemble of Digital Breast Object Models. 10th International Workshop on Digital Mammography, IWDM 2010, Girona, Catalonia, Spain, LNCS 6136, Springer. [Oral Presentation].
O’Connor J., M, Didier C.S., Das M., Mah’d M., & Glick S.J. Comparison of Two Methods to Develop Breast Models for Simulation of Breast Tomosynthesis and CT. 9th International Workshop on Digital Mammography, IWDM 2008, Tucson, AZ, LNCS 5116,Springer. [Oral Presentation by Stephen Glick].
O’Connor J., M., Das M., Didier C.S., Mah’d M., & Glick S.J. Using mastectomy specimens to develop breast models for breast tomosynthesis and CT breast imaging. Medical Imaging 2008: Physics of Medical Imaging (Vol 6913), San Diego, CA, SPIE. [Oral Presentation].
O’Connor J. M., Glick S.J, Gong X., Didier C.S. & Mah’d M. Characterization of a prototype table-top x-ray CT breast imaging system. Medical Imaging 2007: Physics of Medical Imaging (Vol 6510), San Diego, CA, SPIE. [Poster Presentation].
Conference Proceedings (as contributor)
Felipe M. Parages, J. Michael O’Connor, P. Hendrik Pretorius, Jovan G. Brankov,Polar-map model observers for perfusion defects localization and detection in SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging, SPIE Medical Imaging 2014, Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, Paper 9037-22 (to be presented 17 Feb. 2014).
Hiam Alquran, Eman Shaheen, J. Michael O’Connor, Mufeed Mahd, Enhancement of 3D modeling and classification of microcalcification clusters in breast computed tomography (BCT), Accepted for SPIE Medical Imaging Conference 2014 (to be presented 17 Feb. 2014).
Hiam Alquran, Eman Shaheen, J. Michael O’Connor, Mufeed Mahd, 3D Modeling and Classification of Microcalcifications in Breast Computed Tomography(BCT), MIPS XV Conference, August 2013, Washington, DCP.
Hendrik Pretorius, Michael A. King, Karen L. Johnson, and J. Michael O’Connor, Combined Respiratory and Rigid-Body Motion Compensation in Gated Cardiac Perfusion SPECT using a Visual Tracking System, Fully 3D 2013 Conference, June 2013, Lake Tahoe, CA
Konate Souleymane, Pretorius P. Hendrik, Gifford Howard C, O’Connor J. Michael, King Michael A., Combined Collimator/Reconstruction Optimization for Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Imaging using Polar Map Based LROC Numerical Observer. Medical Imaging 2012: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment. (Vol 8318) San Diego, CA. SPIE (2012)
PH Pretorius, JM O’Connor, R Licho, J Brankov. Task based assessment of cardiac function in Monte Carlo simulated gated Tl-201 perfusion SPECT: A human observer study. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, 2972-2976. (2010)
Das M., Gifford H.C., O’Connor J.M., Glick, S.J. Dose reduction in digital breast tomosynthesis using a penalized maximum likelihood reconstruction. Medical Imaging 2009: Physics of Medical Imaging (Vol. 7258), Orlando, FL, SPIE (2009)
Das, M., Gifford H. C., O’Connor J.M., & Glick S.J. Evaluation of a variable dose acquisition methodology for breast tomosynthesis. Medical Imaging 2008: Physics of Medical Imaging (Vol 6913), San Diego, CA, SPIE. (2008).
Dey J., O’Connor J.M., Chen Y., & Glick S.J. Temporal change analysis for improved tumor detection in dedicated CT breast imaging using affine and free-form deformation. Medical Imaging 2008: Physics of Medical Imaging (Vol 6913), San Diego, CA, SPIE. (2008)
Didier C. S., Chen Y., O’Connor J.M., Mah’d M., & Glick S.J. (2008). Quantitative comparison of weighted Feldkamp FDP full-scan and half-scan algorithms for contrast-enhanced CT breast imaging. Medical Imaging 2008: Physics of Medical Imaging (Vol 6913), San Diego, CA, SPIE (2008)
Chen Y., Liu, B., O’Connor J.M., Didier C.S. & Glick S.J. Comparison of scatter/primary measurements with GATE simulations for X-ray spectra in cone-beam CT mammography. Nuclear Science Symposium 2006 (Vol 6), San Diego, CA, IEEE. (2006).