FALL 2020 Semester: BME Application Programming (BMEN.1200)
There will be two sections of BMEN.1200 in the Fall Semester. Both will be delivered following the Office of the Registrar’s guidelines for “virtual classroom”, which is online on scheduled days and times with the same schedule each week. Instruction will be synchronous using Blackboard and Zoom. Both sections will meet on Tuesday and Thursday (Section 201: 8-9:15AM and Section 202: 9:30-10:45AM).
The course libguide is available using this link: https://libguides.uml.edu/BMEN1200/. The Blackboard Course will be accessible on Tuesday, 1 September.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is the world’s largest international society of biomedical engineers. I am the current vice chairperson for the Northern New England (NNE) EMBS chapter and the liaison for EMBS NNE to the Biotech/Medtech Cluster, New Hampshire High Tech Council (NHHTC). There are meetings and events throughout the year. If you would like further information on IEEE EMBS NNE, please contact me. For general information about IEEE EMBS check out their website.