
When to Use VPN

Most services are available without a VPN connection. Here are some of the few examples where a VPN connection is needed:

  • A research server that is restricted from the Internet
  • Some library applications
  • Departmental file shares (X/Y drives)

Recommendation: Before using the VPN, try accessing the specific services you need. If you cannot get to those services, then connect using the VPN and try it again. Click here for more info.

Consider using vLabs instead of VPN

If you need to access a server which is only available internally, open a file on an internal departmental share or access some other internal service, consider using vLabs as an alternative to VPN. vLabs may be quicker and easier to use than VPN for some things, and you can use it from any computer. Click here for more info.

Multi-Factor Authentication

The UMass Lowell VPN service uses “Duo” multi-factor authentication to verify your connection. The same system is used for systems like HR Direct so if you already log into HR Direct, you’re all set to log into VPN. Click here for more info.