

Yan Lab News:

4/2018: JaeHyeung Park moved from Oak Ridge National Lab to Korea, and started a faculty position at Dong-eui University. Congratulations, Jae!


11/2017: We welcome Dr. JaeHyeung Park as he visited us and shared his exciting research and experience working at Oak Ridge National Lab.



09/2017: Dan’s paper on Angew Chem is highlighted by ChemViews.

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08/2017: Congratulations to Surangi for accepting a tenure track Assistant Professor position at University of Alabama, Huntsville! Best of luck with the start of your independent academic career.


07/2017: Congratulations to Xiaojian for receiving the Mark Elliot Award!

07/2016: Madanodaya Sundhoro has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations, Dan!

04/2016: JaeHyeung Park has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Dr. Park will start as a postdoctoral associate at Oakridge National Lab. Congratulations, Jae!


04/2015: Congratulations to Xuan Chen for receiving the Outstanding Graduate Student Award in the Polymer Program.


12/2014: Our paper “1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactivities of Perfluorinated Aryl Azides with Enamines and Strained Dipolarophiles” was accepted by JACS ( Congradulations, Sheng.


09/2014: Surrangi successfully defend her Ph.D. thesis, and will start her new research career in MIT as postdoctoral scholar. Congratulations!