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Refereed Journal Publications

  • A. Patel, A. C. Chang, U. Abid, Christian Ayafor, H.-W. Wong, D. Xie, and M. J. Sobkowicz*, “Effect of Copolymer Structure on Enzyme-Catalyzed Polyester Recycling,” J. Polym. Environ., in press.
  • B. Tabu, V. Veng, H. Morgan, S. K. Das, E. Brack, T. Alexander, J. H. Mack, H.-W. Wong, and J. P. Trelles*, “Hydrogen from Cellulose and Low-Density Polyethylene via Atmospheric Pressure Nonthermal Plasma,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy2024, 49(A), 745–763.
  • M. Wan, Z. Yang, H. Morgan, J. Shi, F. Shi, M. Liu, H.-W. Wong, Z. Gu*, and F. Che*, “Enhanced CO2 Reactive Capture and Conversion using Aminothiolate Ligand-Metal Interface,”  J. Amer. Chem. Soc.2023145(48), 26038–26051.
  • Y.-H. V. Soong, U. Abid, A. C. Chang, C. Ayafor, A. Patel, J. Qin, J. Xu, C. Lawton, H.-W. Wong, M. J. Sobkowicz, and D. Xie*, “Enzyme Selection, Optimization, and Production toward Biodegradation of Post-Consumer Poly (ethylene terephthalate) at Scale,” Biotechnol. J.202318(12), 2300119.
  • F. Sakirler, M. D. Tekbas, and H.-W. Wong*, “Molten Plastics Induced Noncovalent Interactions for Tunable Cellulose Fast Pyrolysis,” Green Chem.20232510010–10019.
  • A. Patel, A. C. Chang, A. Mastromonaco, M. A. Diaz, S. Perry, O. Ferki, C. Ayafor, U. Abid, H.-W. Wong, D. Xie, and M. J. Sobkowicz*, “Aqueous Buffer Solution-Induced Crystallization Competes with Enzymatic Depolymerization of Pre-treated Post-consumer Poly (ethylene terephthalate) Waste,” Polymer2023285126370.
  • U. Abid, G. Sun, Y.-H. V. Soong, A. Williams, A. C. Chang, C. Ayafor, A. Patel, H.-W. Wong, M. J. Sobkowicz, and D. Xie*, “Evaluation of Enzymatic Depolymerization of PET, PTT, and PBT Polyesters,” Biochem. Eng. J., 2023, 199109074.
  • B. Tabu, K. Akers, P. Yu, M. Baghirzade, E. Brack, C. Drew, J. H. Mack, H.-W. Wong, and J. P. Trelles*, “Nonthermal Atmospheric Plasma Reactors for Hydrogen Production from Low-Density Polyethylene,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy202247(94), 39743–39757.
  • F. Sakirler and H.-W. Wong*, “Cellulose Fast Pyrolysis Activated by Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds,” J. Phys. Chem. A2022126(43), 7806–7819.
  • A. Patel, A. C. Chang, S. Perry, Y.-H. V. Soong, C. Ayafor, H.-W. Wong, D. Xie, and M. J. Sobkowicz*, “Melt Processing Pretreatment Effects on Enzymatic Depolymerization of Poly(ethylene terephthalate),” ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.202210(41), 13619–13628.
  • A. C. Chang, A. Patel, S. Perry, Y.-H. V. Soong, C. Ayafor, H.-W. Wong, D. Xie, and M. J. Sobkowicz*, “Understanding Consequences and Tradeoffs of Melt Processing as a Pretreatment for Enzymatic Depolymerization of Poly(ethylene terephthalate),” Macromol. Rapid Commun., 202243(13), 2100929.
  • P. Yu, Z. Yang, Z. Gu, and H.-W. Wong*, “Catalytic Reaction Coupling of Propane Dehydrogenation with Nitrobenzene Hydrogenation over Pt/Al2O3,” Catal. Commun.2022166, 106449.
  • P. Yu, Y. Liu, P. Deshlahra, and H.-W. Wong*, “Detailed Kinetic Modeling of NOxMediated Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2021, 60(37), 13553–13561. 
  • Y.-H. V. Soong, L. Zhao, N. Liu, P. Yu, C. Lopez, A. Olsen, H.-W. Wong, Z. Shao, and D. Xie*, “Microbial Synthesis of Wax Esters,” Metabolic Eng.2021, 67428–442.
  • M. Nallar, N. Tenaglia, G. Morose, and H.-W. Wong*, “Safer Solvent Blends for Food, Dye, and Environmental Analyses using Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography,” Chromatographia202184(8), 769–780.
  • N. Liu, Y.-H. V. Soong, I. Mirzaee, A. Olsen, H.-W. Wong, and D. Xie*, “Biomanufacturing of Value-Added Products from Oils or Fats: A Case Study on Cellular and Fermentation Engineering of Yarrowia Lipolytica,” Biotechnol. Bioeng.2021, 118(4), 1677–1692.
  • P. Yu, Z. Yang, Z. Gu, and H.-W. Wong*, “Elucidation of the Reaction Mechanism of Catalytic Reaction Coupling of Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation with Nitrobenzene Hydrogenation over MoO3/TiO2 Catalysts,” Appl. Catal. A: General2020602, 117562.
  • D. Nagassou, S. Mohsenian, P. Yu, M. Nallar, H.-W. Wong, and J. P. Trelles*, “Decomposition of CO2 in a Solar-Gliding Arc Plasma Reactor: Effects of Water, Nitrogen, Methane, and Process Optimization,” J.CO2 Util., 2020, 38, 39–48.
  • C. Liu, E. Adams, Z. Li, P. Yu, H.-W. Wong, and Z. Gu*, “Effect of Metal Substrate on Electrocatalytic Property of Palladium Nanowire Array for High Performance Ethanol Electro-Oxidation,” Langmuir2019, 35(43), 13821–13832.
  • P. Yu and H.-W. Wong*, “Propane Pyrolysis Facilitated by Phenyl Radicals: A Combined Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study,” Chem. Eng. Sci.2019210, 115243.
  • S. Mohsenian, D. Nagassou, R. Elahi, P. Yu, M. Nallar, H.-W. Wong, and J. P. Trelles*, “Carbon Dioxide Conversion by Solar-Enhanced Microwave Plasma: Effect of Specific Power and Argon/Nitrogen Carrier Gases,” J. CO2 Util.2019, 34, 725–732.
  • M. Nallar and H.-W. Wong*, “Hydroxyl Group Stabilization for Increased Yields of Low-Molecular-Weight Products in the Copyrolysis of Cellulose and Thermoplastics,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 201958(25), 10776–10784.
  • M. Nallar and H.-W. Wong*, “Enhanced Levoglucosan Yields from the Copyrolysis of Cellulose and High-Density Polyethylene,” ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.20197(10), 9480–9488.
  • C. Liu, Z. Li, P. Yu, H.-W. Wong, and Z. Gu*, “Vertically Aligned and Surface Roughed Pt Nanowire Array as High Performance Electrocatalysts for Methanol Oxidation,” ACS Appl. Energy Mater.20181(8), 3973–3983.
  • W. Zuo and H.-W. Wong*, “Green Synthesis of Linear Alkylbenzenes via Diels-Alder Cycloaddition between Furan and Linear Alkenes over Niobic Acid Catalyst,” Green Chem. Lett. Rev.201710(4), 393–403.
  • H.-W. Wong*, J. Peck, J. Assif, F. Panerai, J. Lachaud, and N. N. Mansour, “Detailed Analysis of Species Production from the Pyrolysis of the Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator,” J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 2016, 122, 258–267.

  • M. C. Woody, H.-W. Wong, J. J. West, and S. Arunachalam*, “Multiscale Predictions of Aviation-Attributable PM2.5 for U.S. Airports Modeled Using CMAQ with Plume-in-Grid and an Aircraft-Specific 1-D Emissions Model,” Atmos. Environ., 2016, 147, 384–394.

  • G. P. Brasseur*, M. Gupta, B. E. Anderson, S. Balasubramanian, S. Barrett, D. Duda, G. Fleming, P. M. Forster, J. Fuglestvedt, A. Gettelman, R. N. Halthore, S. D. Jacob, M. Z. Jacobson, A. Khodayari, K.-N. Liou, M. T. Lund, R. C. Miake-Lye, P. Minnis, S. Olsen, J. E. Penner, R. Prinn, U. Schumann, H. B. Selkrik, A. Sokolov, N. Unger, P. Wolfe, H.-W. Wong, D. W. Wuebbles, B. Yi, P. Yang and C. Zhou, “Impact of Aviation on Climate: FAA’s Aviation Climate Change Research Initiative (ACCRI) Phase II,” Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2016, 97(4), 561-583.
  • C. W. Gao, A. Vandeputte, N. W. Yee, W. H. Green*, R. E. Bonomi, G. R. Magoon, H.-W. Wong, O. O. Oluwole, D. K. Lewis, N. M. Vandewiele, and K. Van Geem, “JP-10 Combustion Studied with Shock Tube Experiments and Modeled with Automated Mechanism Generation,” Combut. Flame, 2015, 162(8), 3115-3129.
  • H.-W. Wong*, M. Jun, J. Peck, I. A. Waitz, and R. C. Miake-Lye, “Roles of Organic Emissions in the Formation of Near-Field Aircraft-Emitted Volatile Particulate Matter: A Kinetic Microphysical Modeling Study,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 2015, 137(7), 072606.
  • H.-W. Wong*, J. Peck, R. Bonomi, J. Assif, F. Panerai, G. Reinisch, J. Lachaud, and N. N. Mansour, “Quantitative Determination of Species Production from Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin Pyrolysis,” Polym. Degrad. Stab., 2015, 112, 122–131.
  • H.-W. Wong*, M. Jun, J. Peck, I. A. Waitz, and R. C. Miake-Lye, “Detailed Microphysical Modeling of the Formation of Organic and Sulfuric Acid Coatings on Aircraft Emitted Soot Particles in the Near Field,” Aerosol Sci. Technol., 2014, 48(9), 981–995.
  • Z. Yu*, D. S. Liscinsky, R. C. Miake-Lye, H.-W. Wong, S. C. Herndon, J. Peck, B. True, I. A. Waitz, J. P. Franklin, A. Jennings, and M. Jun, “Uptake Coefficients of Some Volatile Organic Compounds by Soot and Their Application in Understanding Particulate Matter Evolution in Aircraft Engine Exhaust Plumes,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 2014, 136(12), 121501.
  • H.-W. Wong*, A. J. Beyersdorf, C. M. Heath, L. D. Ziemba, E. L. Winstead, K. L. Thornhill, K. M. Tacina, R. C. Ross, S. E. Albo, D. L. Bulzan, B. E. Anderson, and R. C. Miake-Lye, “Laboratory and Modeling Studies on the Effects of Water and Soot Emissions and Ambient Conditions on the Formation of Contrail Ice Particles in the Jet Regime,” Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2013, 13(9), 10049–10060.
  • D. S. Liscinsky*, Z. Yu, B. True, J. Peck, A. Jennings, H.-W. Wong, J. P. Franklin, S. C. Herndon, and R. C. Miake-Lye, “Measurement of Naphthalene Uptake by Combustion Soot Particles,” Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47(9), 4875–4881.
  • M. T. Timko*, E. C. Fortner, J. P. Franklin, Z. Yu, H.-W. Wong, T. B. Onasch, R. C. Miake-Lye, and S. C. Herndon, “Atmospheric Measurements of the Physical Evolution of Aircraft Exhaust Plumes,” Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47(7), 3513–3520.
  • J. Peck*, O. O. Oluwole, H.-W. Wong, and R. C. Miake-Lye, “An Algorithm to Estimate Aircraft Cruise Black Carbon Emissions for Use in Developing a Cruise Emissions Inventory,” J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 2013, 63(3), 367–375.
  • Y. Shi*, W. H. Green, H.-W. Wong, and O. O. Oluwole*, “Accelerating Multi-Dimensional Combustion Simulations using Hybrid CPU-Based Implicit/GPU- Based Explicit ODE Integration,” Combust. Flame, 2012, 159(7), 2388–2397.
  • O. O. Oluwole*, Y. Shi, H.-W. Wong, and W. H. Green*, “An Exact-Steady-State Adaptive Chemistry Method for Combustion Simulations: Combining the Efficiency of Reduced Models and the Accuracy of the Full Model,” Combust. Flame, 2012, 159(7), 2352–2362.
  • J. Peck*, M. T. Timko, Z. Yu, H.-W. Wong, S. C. Herndon, P. E. Yelvington, R. C. Miake-Lye, C. Wey, E. L. Winstead, L. D. Ziemba, B. E. Anderson, “Measurement of Volatile Particulate Matter Emissions from Aircraft Engines using a Simulated Plume Aging System,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 2012, 134(6), 061503.
  • G. R. Magoon, J. Aguilera-Iparraguirre, W. H. Green*, J. J. Lutz, P. Piecuch, H.-W. Wong, and O. O. Oluwole, “Detailed Chemical Kinetic Modeling of JP-10 (exo-tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene) High Temperature Oxidation: Exploring the Role of Biradical Species in Initial Decomposition Steps,” Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 2012, 44(3), 179–193.
  • Y. Shi*, W. H. Green, H.-W. Wong, and O. O. Oluwole*, “Redesigning Combustion Modeling Algorithms for the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): Chemical Kinetic Rate Evaluation and Ordinary Differential Equation Integration,” Combust. Flame, 2011, 158(15), 836–847.
  • H.-W. Wong*, Z. Yu, M. T. Timko,S. C. Herndon, E. de la Rosa Blanco, R. C. Miake-Lye, and R. P. Howard, “Design Parameters for an Aircraft Engine-Exit Plane Particle Sampling System,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 2011, 133(6), 021501.
  • M. T. Timko*, Z. Yu, T. B. Onasch, H.-W. Wong, R. C. Miake-Lye, A. J. Beyersdorf, B. E. Anderson, K. L. Thornhill, E. L. Winstead, E. Corporan, M. J. De Witt, C. D. Klingshirn, C. Wey, K. M. Tacina, D. S. Liscinsky, R. P. Howard, and A. Bhargava, “Particulate Emissions of Gas Turbine Engine Combustion of a Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Fuel,” Energy Fuels, 2010, 24(11), 5883–5896.
  • H.-W. Wong* and R. C. Miake-Lye, “Parametric Studies of Contrail Ice Particle Formation in Jet Regime using One-Dimensional Microphysical Modeling,” Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2010, 10(7), 3261–3272.
  • H.-W. Wong*, P. E. Yelvington, M. T. Timko, T. B. Onasch, R. C. Miake-Lye, J. Zhang, and I. A. Waitz, “Microphysical Modeling of Ground-Level Aircraft- Emitted Aerosol Formation: Roles of Sulfur-Containing Species,” J. Propul. Power, 2008, 24(8), 590–602.
  • H.-W. Wong, M. C. Cesa, J. T. Golab, J. F. Brazdil, and W. H. Green*, “Kinetic Modeling to Estimate Fundamental Yield Bounds for Selective Propylene Oxidation over Bifunctional Catalysts,” Appl. Catal. A: General, 2006, 303(2), 177–191.
  • T. M. Kruse, S. E. Levine, H.-W. Wong, E. Duoss, A. H. Lebovitz, J. M. Torkelson, and L. J. Broadbelt*, “Binary Mixture Pyrolysis of Polypropylene and Polystyrene: A Modeling and Experimental Study,” J. Ana. Appl. Pyrol., 2005, 73(2), 342–354.
  • H.-W. Wong, X. Li, M. T. Swihart, and L. J. Broadbelt*, “Detailed Kinetic Modeling of Silicon Nanoparticle Formation Chemistry via Automated Mechanism Generation,” J. Phys. Chem. A., 2004, 108(46), 10122–10132.
  • H.-W. Wong, J. C. Alva Nieto, M. T. Swihart, and L. J. Broadbelt*, “Thermochemistry of Silicon-Hydrogen Compounds Generalized from Quantum Chemical Calculations,” J. Phys. Chem. A., 2004, 108(5), 874–897.
  • T. M. Kruse, H.-W. Wong, and L. J. Broadbelt*, “Modeling the Evolution of the Full Polystyrene Molecular Weight Distribution During Polystyrene Pyrolysis,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2003, 42(12), 2722–2735.
  • T. M. Kruse, H.-W. Wong, and L. J. Broadbelt*, “Mechanistic Modeling of Polymer Pyrolysis: Polypropylene,” Macromolecules, 2003, 36(25), 9594–9607.
  • H.-W. Wong, X. Li, M. T. Swihart, and L. J. Broadbelt*, “Encoding of Polycyclic Si-Containing Molecules for Determining Species Uniqueness in Automated Mechanism Generation,” J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. (now J. Chem. Inf. Model.), 2003, 43(3), 735–742.
  • T. M. Kruse, O. S. Woo, H.-W. Wong, S. S. Khan, and L. J. Broadbelt*, “Mechanistic Modeling of Polymer Degradation: A Comprehensive Study of Polystyrene,” Macromolecules, 2002, 35(20), 7830–7844.
  • H.-W. Wong and L. J. Broadbelt*, “Tertiary Resource Recovery from Waste Polymers via Pyrolysis: Neat and Binary Mixture Reactions of Polystyrene and Polypropylene,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2001, 40(22), 4716–4723.
  • C.-H. Lu*, N. Chyi, H.-W. Wong, and W.-J. Hwang, “Effects of Additives and Secondary Phases on the Sintering Behavior of Zinc Oxide-Based Varistors,” Mater. Chem. Phys., 2000, 62(2), 164–168.

Book Chapter

  • S. Arunachalam, M. Woody, J. Rissman, F. Binkowski, H.-W. Wong, S. Jathar, and A. Robinson, “An Enhance Sub-Grid Scale Approach to Characterize Air Quality Impacts of Aircraft Emissions,” Chapter 55 (pp. 327–332) in Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XXII, edited by D. G. Steyn, P. J. H. Builtjes, and R. M. A. Timmermans, Springer Publications, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2014, ISBN:978-94-007-5576-5.

Conference Proceedings

  • T. Kessler, T. Schwartz, H.-W. Wong, and J. H. Mack, “Evaluating Diesel/Biofuel Blends Using Artificial Neural Networks and Linear/Nonlinear Equations,” Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME2021 Internal Combustion Engine Fall Technical Conference (ICEF 2021), 2021, ICEF2021-67785.
  • T. Kessler, T. Schwartz, H.-W. Wong, and J. H. Mack, “Predicting the Cetane Number, Yield Sooting Index, Kinematic Viscosity, and Cloud Point for Catalytically Upgraded Pyrolysis Oil using Artificial Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME2020 Internal Combustion Engine Fall Technical Conference (ICEF 2020), 2020, ICEF2020-2978.  
  • T. Kessler, T. Schwartz, H.-W. Wong, and J. H. Mack, “Screening Compounds for Fast Pyrolysis and Catalytic Biofuel Upgrading Using Artificial Neural Network,” Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2019 Internal Combustion Engine Fall Technical Conference (ICEF 2019), 2019, ICEF2019-7170.  
  • H.-W. Wong, J. Peck, J. Assif, J. Lachaud, and N. N. Mansour, “Quantitative Determination of Species Production from the Pyrolysis of the Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA),” Proceedings of 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2015, AIAA Paper 2015-1447.
  • J. Peck, Z. Yu, H.-W. Wong, R. C. Miake-Lye, D. S. Liscinsky, A. Jennings, and B. True, “Experimental and Numerical Studies of Sulfate and Organic Condensation on Aircraft Engine Soot,” Proceedings of International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Turbo Expo 2014, 2014, GT2014-25227.
  • H.-W. Wong, J. Peck, R. A. Edwards, G. Reinisch, J. Lachaud, and N. N. Mansour, “Measurement of Pyrolysis Products from Phenolic Polymer Thermal Decomposition,” Proceedings of 52nd  Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2014, AIAA Paper 2014-1388.
  • A. F. Hepp, M. J. Kulis, M. T. Timko, P. C. Psarras, D. W. Bell, H.-W. Wong, J. Peck, and R. R. Chianelli, “Novel Catalysts and Processing Technologies for Production of Aerospace Fuels from Non-Petroleum Raw Materials,” Proceedings of 7th Symposium on Space Resource Utilization, 2014, AIAA Paper 2014-0340.
  • Z. Yu, H.-W. Wong, J. Peck, S. C. Herndon, R. C. Miake-Lye, M. Jun, I. A. Waitz, D. S. Liscinsky, A. Jennings, B. S. True, M. Colket, L. D. Ziemba, E. L. Winstead, and B. E. Anderson, “Quantifying the Composition of Volatile Particulate Matter Emissions from Aircraft Engines,” Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere, and Climate (TAC-3), 2013, 244–250.
  • J. Peck, M. T. Timko, Z. Yu, H.-W. Wong, S. C. Herndon, P. E. Yelvington, R. C. Miake-Lye, C. Wey, E. L. Winstead, L. D. Ziemba, and B. E. Anderson, “Measurement of Volatile Particulate Matter Emissions from Aircraft Engines using a Simulated Plume Aging System,” Proceedings of International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Turbo Expo 2011, 2011, GT2011-46626.
  • O. O. Oluwole, H.-W. Wong, R. C. Miake-Lye, and W. H. Green, “Dynamic Spatial and Temporal Allocation of Reduced Chemical Kinetics Models in Combustion Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations,” Proceedings of 46th  American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) / American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) / Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) / American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 2010, AIAA Paper 2010-6827.
  • G. R. Magoon, W. H. Green, O. O. Oluwole, H.-W. Wong, S. E. Albo, and D. K. Lewis, “Updating Our Understanding of JP-10 Decomposition Chemistry: A Detailed JP-10 Combustion Mechanism Constructed Using RMG – an Automatic Reaction Mechanism Generator,” Proceedings of 46th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) / American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) / Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) / American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 2010, AIAA Paper 2010-6825.
  • H.-W. Wong, M. T. Timko, R. C. Miake-Lye, and I. A. Waitz, “Detailed Microphysical Modeling of Particle Emissions from Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines,” Preprints of the American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 2009, 54(1), 239–241.
  • M. T. Timko, Z. Yu, H.-W. Wong, R. C. Miake-Lye, T. B. Onasch, J. T. Jayne, M. R. Canagaratna, S. C. Herndon, and E. C. Wood, “Characterization of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Particle Emissions,” Preprints of the American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 2009, 54(1), 232–235.
  • W. H. Green, B. Bhattacharjee, O. O. Oluwole, J. Song, R. Sumathi, C. D. Wijaya, H.-W. Wong, P. E. Yelvington, and J. Yu, “New Methods for Predictive Chemical Kinetics,” Preprints of the American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 2004, 49(1), 323–324.
  • H.-W. Wong, T. M. Kruse, O. S. Woo, and L. J. Broadbelt, “Tertiary Resource Recovery from Waste Polymers via Pyrolysis: Polypropylene,” Preprints of the American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 2000, 45(3), 480–484.

Magazine Articles

  • M. T. Timko, H.-W. Wong, L. A. Gonzalez, L. J. Broadbelt, and V. Ravikrishan, “Flash Cracking Reactor for Waste Plastic Processing,” NASA Tech Briefs, 2013, 37(4), 38.
  • O. O. Oluwole, H.-W. Wong, and W. H. Green, “AdapChem,” NASA Tech Briefs, 2012, 36(12), 24.