Hsi-Wu Wong

The Sustainability and Reaction Engineering Laboratory (SuREL) at the University of Massachusetts Lowell focuses on utilizing both experimental and theoretical techniques to study modern energy and environmental problems. Key research expertise of our laboratory includes high temperature pyrolysis, gasification, and oxidation experiments and molecular and detailed kinetic modeling.

Our main research focus is to uncover fundamental interplay between chemical kinetics and transport phenomena and to manipulate reaction pathways for producing high-value products from low-value, underutilized hydrocarbon feedstocks. Key feedstocks of interest include flared shale gas, lignocellulosic biomass, plastic waste, and food waste. The target products include energy sources (such as biofuels), biobased chemicals, and renewable materials.

Lab News


  • Christian’s paper on the concept of in-situ product removal via a membrane reactor for improved enzymatic depolymerization of poly (ethylene terephthalate) is published. The article is also selected as cover feature (see below). Congratulations!


  • Dr. Wong and Doga attend 2024 Annual AIChE Meeting in San Diego, California. Doga also wins the prestigious Women in Chemical Engineering (WIC) Travel Award to support part of her trip. 
  • The lab welcomes new Ph.D. student, Loverance Woode. We also welcome back Protitee Paromita and Matthew Wright, who will continue to pursure their M.S. degree, and Joshua Schorn, who will continue to be an undergraduate researcher. 
  • The lab welcomes new Immersive Scholars Sara Kofahi and Joshua Schorn.
  • Christian’s paper on safer solvent replacements for active pharmaceutical ingredient purification is published. Congratulations!
  • Fuat’s paper on the catalytic and inhibitory effects induced by lignin during biomass fast pyrolysis is published. This article is also recognized as ACS Editors’ Choice (only one article per day selected from the entire ACS portfolio) and featured on the cover (see below). Congratulations!
  • Christian Ayafor, Ph.D. student in the lab, has successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations, Christian!
  • Lab member Fuat Skirler (Ph.D.), Protitee Paromita (B.S.), and Matthew Wright (B.S.) graduate. Fuat receives Outstanding Graduate Student AwardProtitee receives Dean’s Medal for Outstanding Student Service and Matthew receives Undergraduate Research Award. Congratulations on your achievements!
  • Fuat Skirler, Ph.D. student in the lab, has successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations, Fuat!
  • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Sobkowicz‘s and Prof. Xie‘s groups on polyester recycling using enzymatic hydrolysis is published. Congratulations! 


  • We are grateful for a new grant from the National Science Foundation, in collaboration with Prof. Xie, to upcycle high density polyethylene waste into high-value chemicals using a hybrid thermochemical-biochemical approach. Read this article about our award.
  • Dr. Wong and Fuat attend 2023 Annual AIChE Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Fuat also wins the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division Travel Award to support part of his trip. 
  • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Che‘s and Prof. Gu‘s groups on carbon dioxide reactive capture using aminothiolate ligand–Metal interface is published. Congratulations!
  • Dr. Wong delivers a seminar talk for the Chemical Engineering Colloquium at WPI. 
  • Fuat’s paper on molten plastics induced noncovalent interactions for tunable cellulose fast pyrolysis is published. Congratulations!
  • The lab welcomes new Immersive Scholars Abigail Lynch and Aidan Hamilton.
  • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Sobkowicz‘s and Prof. Xie‘s groups on solution-induced crystallization during enzymatic hydrolysis of PET is published. Congratulations! 
  • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Sobkowicz‘s and Prof. Xie‘s groups on enzymatic hydrolysis of PET, PTT, and PBT is published. Congratulations! 
  • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Sobkowicz‘s and Prof. Xie‘s groups on large-scale enzymatic hydrolysis of PET is published. Congratulations! 
  • The lab welcomes new Immersive Scholars Michele Pham and Aidan Silvia.
  • Dr. Wong attends ISCRE 27 in Québec City, Canada, to present on behalf of Fuat, who wins the ISCRE Travel Award (but cannot make the trip due to visa issues).
  • Dr. Wong and Fuat attend the 28th North American Catalysis Society Meeting (NAM28) in Providence, Rhode Island. Fuat also wins the Kokes Award to support part of his trip. 
  • Dr. Wong attends the PYROLIQ II conference in Schloss Hernstein, Austria and gives two presentations.


  • Fuat’s paper on cellulose fast pyrolysis activated by intramolecular hydrogen bonds is published. Congratulations!
  • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Sobkowicz‘s and Prof. Xie‘s groups on the effects of melt processing of PET for its enzymatic decomposition is published. Congratulations! 
  • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Trelles‘ and Prof. Mack‘s groups using nonthermal plasma to treat low density polyethylene for hydrogen production is published. Congratulations! 
  • Dr. Wong delivers a seminar talk at National Taiwan University, Dr. Wong’s alma mater and where Dr. Wong spends part of his sabbatical visiting.  
  • The lab welcomes new Ph.D. student, Danya Maree, and undergraduate researcher, Nathaniel George.
  • The lab welcomes new undergraduate students Melvin Orn and Matthew Wright to pursue their Honors Fellowships.
  • Dr. Wong delivers a pre-recorded talk at the PYRO 2022 conference.
  • Lab member Toren Burton (B.S.) and Montayo Cardoza (B.S.) graduate. Toren receives Chemical Engineering Department Award – Biological OptionCongratulations on your achievements!
  • Peng’s paper on catalytic reaction coupling of propane dehydrogenation with nitrobenzene hydrogenation is published. Congratulations!
  • We are excited and grateful to be selected by the Department of Energy as one of the teams to develop novel technologies converting single-use, multi-layer plastic films into high-value chemicals and materials. Read this article about our award.
  • Our collaborative paper with Prof. Sobkowicz‘s and Prof. Xie‘s groups on the pretreatment of PET for its enzymatic decomposition is published. Congratulations! 
  • The lab welcomes new undergraduate students Protitee Paromita and Abraham Mudoola to pursue their Honors Fellowships.