Honors & Awards

  1. Mar. 1994: Admitted as a undergraduate without the mandatory examAwarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University for my excellent achievements in the national Olympic Contests of Mathematics and Chemistry
  2. 1997,1996,1995,1994: In the dean’s list
  3. Sep. 1997: Second prize in China mathematic contest in modelingThe contest is traditional annually held event in China in order to encourage gifted students to exercise their talent in mathematic modeling each year, hundreds of excellent students take part in the contest
  4. Oct. 1997: Admitted as a graduate without the mandatory exam Awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University to the top 8% students in the class
  5. Apr. 1998: Excellent paper of thesis (Minor) Awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University to top 15% of all students
  6. Jul. 1998: Excellent paper of thesis (Major) Awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University to top 15% of all students
  7. Jun. 1999: First prize in the Hua-Wei communication paper contest The contest is sponsored by “Huawei” Company. Awarded to only the top 5 outstanding graduate students among more than 200 participants
  8. Nov. 1999: University excellent graduate student Awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University to the top 15% students in the class
  9. Nov. 1999: First prize scholarship of Xinxing company Awarded by Xinxing Company to 20 outstanding graduate students in the university
  10. Nov. 2000: University outstanding student Awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University to the top 5% students in the class (in fact the top one)
  11. Nov. 2000: Scholarship of USA-IET Awarded by International Engineering Technology Incorporated in U.S.A
  12. Nov. 2001: Excellent paper of CBME’2001 Awarded by the CBME’ 2001 Conference Committee (China)
  13. Nov. 2001: University excellent graduate student Awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University to the 15% students in the class
  14. Nov.2002: University outstanding student Awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University to the top 5% students in the class (in fact the top one)
  15. Nov. 2002: First prize scholarship of HuaWei company Awarded by “HuaWei” Company to the outstanding graduate students in the university
  16. Jun. 2004: First prize (top one) in the teaching skill contest Awarded by the college of telecommunication engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi university
  17. Sep. 2004: Outstanding young teacher Awarded by Hangzhou Dianzi University to 16 teachers among all the teachers not older than 35
  18. Dec. 2004: Excellent paper of the Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University Awarded to 28 papers among all the papers published on the Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University between 2001 and 2002
  19. Jun. 2005: University research achievements prize Awarded by the Education Ministry of ZheJiang Province, China
  20. July. 2005, Outstanding doctoral dissertation Awarded by Xi’an Jiaotong University to 17 authors among all the graduated Ph.D students in the past two years
  21. Oct. 2005, First prize of natural science papers Awarded by the Association of Sci. & Tech. of ZheJiang Province, China, to 19 papers selected from 27,139 natural science papers published in 2003- 2004 and authored by the researchers in Zhejiang Province
  22. May 2006: Senior member of the IEEE Awarded by the IEEE which is the world’s leading professional association
  23. December 2007: Inverse Problems highlight article Awarded by Inverse Problems for the paper “Ye YB, Yu HY, Wang G: Cone-beam pseudo-lambda tomography. Inverse Problems 23:203-215, 2007”
  24. May 2008, Most cited paper in the Journal of X-ray Science and Technology in the past 5 years (with  Wang; 12(2): 97-116, 2004)
  25. Feb 2011, SPIE Medical Imaging poster award With Q. Xu, X.Q. Mou and G. Wang, Paper ID: 796130
  26. May 2011. Top-ten most cited paper in Phys. Med. Biol. Reported by the Editorial Office of Physics in Medicine and Biology (For the paper by Yu and Wang, Phys. Med. Biol. 54(9): 2791-2805)
  27. June 2011, Inverse Problems highlight collection in 2010 Selected by the Editorial Board of Inverse Problems (for the paper by Yang, Yu, Jiang and Wang, Article ID: 035013)
  28. Jan. 2012, NSF CAREER award Awarded by the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems, ENG Directorate for Engineering, National Science Foundation  http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1149679
  29. June 2012, Inverse Problems highlight collection in 2011 Selected by the Editorial Board of Inverse Problems (for the paper by Gao, Yu, Osher and Wang, Article ID: 115012)
  30. January 2013, Research Excellence Award Awarded by the Wake Forest University Health Sciences for fiscal year 2012
  31. February 2013, Inverse Problems highlight collection in 2012 Selected by the Editorial Board of Inverse Problems (for the paper by Yang, Yu, Jiang and Wang, Article ID:015001)
  32. December 2014, Certificate of Appreciation for Notable Services and Fine Contributions Certificated by the IEEE Access Journal for services as Guest Editor for the special issue entitled “Emerging CT technologies”
  33. March 2015, Featured Special Issue on Spectral CT, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging Guest Editors: Ge Wang, Anthony Butler, Hengyong Yu, Michael Campbell (http://ieee-tmi.org/fast-facts/featured-article.asp?id=4&title=Special-Edition:-Spectral-CT,-March-2015)
  34. November 2015, Most Popular Paper List, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging Listed as one of the top 50 most frequently downloaded papers according to the most recent monthly usage statistics for the paper co-authored with Xu et al.(IEEE-TMI, 31(9):1682-1697, 2012).
  35. September 2016, Outstanding Poster Award, SPIE Annual Meeting (CT Conference) With Morteza Shalehjahormi and Yanbo Zhang, Paper ID: 9967-64.
  36. March 2017, Recognition for Peer-reviewed Publications (Faculty Symposium), UMass Lowell
  37. November 2017, Recognition for Peer-reviewed Publications (Faculty Symposium), UMass Lowell
  38. November 2018, Recognition for Peer-reviewed Publications (Faculty Symposium) UMass Lowell 

  39. November 2018, Recognition for Research Expenditures>$300K (Faculty Symposium), UMass Lowell 

  40.  November 2019, Recognition for Peer-reviewed Publications (Faculty Symposium), UMass Lowell

  41.  February 2021, IEEE TMI Distinguished Reviewer (Gold Level, 18-20), TMI Editorial Office

  42.  2021 One of Top Scientists in the CS Field, by Research.com (https://research.com/scientists-rankings/computer-science): Hengyong Yu was ranked #4537 in the world and #2260 in USA, 2021

  43.  August 2022, IEEE TMI Distinguished Reviewer (Gold Level, 20-22), TMI Editorial Office

  44.  September 2022, IEEE R1 Technological Innovation (Academic) Award, For pioneering contributions and international leadership in tomographic imaging, especially interior tomography and machine learning-based tomographic imaging

  45.  November 2022, Recognition for Peer-reviewed Publications (Faculty Symposium), UMass Lowell

  46. November 2023, Elevated to IEEE Fellow, IEEE (effective: 01/01/2024)

  47. November 2023, Recognition for Peer-reviewed publications (Faculty Symposium), UMass Lowell

  48. December 2023, Elevated to Fellow of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association

  49. April 2024, Elevated to Fellow of American Association of Physicists in Medicine