I am always looking for talented and motivated students interested in high-performance computing. Feel free to contact me through email if you’re interested in working with me.
- Our paper titled “DAP-SDD: Distribution-Aware Pseudo Labeling for Small Defect Detection” was accepted to a workshop in AAAI 2022.
- Our paper titled “Cascaded Dimension Reduction for Effective Anomaly Detection” was accepted to a workshop in IEEE BigData 2021.
- Our paper “DPZ: Improving Lossy Compression Ratio with Information Retrieval on Scientific Data” was accepted to the IEEE Cluster 2021.
- I received the 2020 Amazon Research Awards. Thank you, Amazon!
- Two papers were accepted to IEEE BigData 2020: one as a regular paper and the other in a workshop.
- Our paper, “A Neural Network-Based Optimal Tile Size Selection Model for Embedded Vision Applications,” was accepted to the 22nd IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC).
- Our paper titled “Bit-Error Aware Quantization for DCT-based Lossy Compression” has been accepted in IEEE HPEC 2020. I will also serve as multiple session chairs during the virtual conference.
- I will serve as a TPC member in the 38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD’20).
- Our paper, “AD2: Improving Quality of IoT Data through Compressive Anomaly Detection,” has been accepted in IEEE Big Data 2019.
- Our paper, “Towards Improving Rate-Distortion Performance of Transform Based Lossy Compression for HPC Datasets,” has been accepted for publication in HPEC’19.
- In May 2019, I received the departmental Teaching Excellence Award.
- Our paper, “Efficient Encoding and Reconstruction of HPC Datasets for Checkpoint/Restart,” has been accepted for publication in MSST’19.
- Once again, I will serve as the technical program committee member for IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC’19).
- Our paper, “Evaluating Fidelity of Lossy Compression on Spatiotemporal Data from an IoT Enabled Smart Farm,” has been accepted for publication in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
- Our poster, “Real-Time Anomaly Detection using Approximated Data in an Edge-Enabled Smart Farm”, has been accepted for USENIX HotEdge’18.
- My NSF CAREER proposal has been awarded funding!
- I will serve as the technical committee member for the IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC’18).
- Two papers have been accepted for publication in IEEE Big Data 2017.
- Two papers have been accepted for publication in HPEC’17.
- I will be part of the faculty advisors to help the MGHPCC Green Team compete in the Student Cluster Competition in SC’17.
- Our paper, “Reducing I/O Variability using Dynamic I/O Path Characterization in Petascale Storage Systems,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Supercomputing.
- One of my recent collaborations with Northwestern University, “Parallel Lossy Data Compression Algorithms for Temporal Data Sets,” has been accepted for publication in the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC).
- Two posters have been accepted to the IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC’16).
- I will serve as the PC member for PDSW-DISCS, First Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems, held in conjunction with SC’16.
- I attended and presented posters at UMass HPC Day.
- Two of my students, Ritesh and Ketul, successfully defended their master theses!
- TACC Stampede, one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, will be used to support the course EECE.6520 Parallel and Mp Architect (a.k.a Parallel Computing), offered in Spring 2016.
- I will serve as the PC member for the 2016 BARC (Boston area ARChictecture) workshop.
- We will participate in SC’15 again as an exhibitor. Please come by the UMass Lowell booth (#2804).
- One of my students, Jialing Zhang, has been awarded an ACM-W scholarship for attendance at SC’15. (see ACM-W Connections too)
- Our paper, “Bisection and Twisted SVD on GPU” has been accepted for publication in IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC’15).
- Our paper, “Randomized Algorithm for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in High Dimensions,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Pattern Recognition Research.
- We will participate in SC’14, which will be held in New Orleans, LA. Please come by the UMass Lowell booth (#848).
- Our paper, “IOPro: A Parallel I/O Profiling and Visualization Framework in HPC Systems,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Supercomputing.
- I was invited to give a talk at UMass HPC Day, which will be held at UMass Dartmouth.
- Our paper, “Data Compression for the Exascale Computing Era – Survey,” will appear in a journal, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 2014.
About me
Hi, I am an Associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Before UMass Lowell, I spent a great many years as a postdoctoral researcher in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at Northwestern University and the Math and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory. I received my Ph. D degree in Computer Science and Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University in 2008. Earlier than that, I was a research staff member at ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute), South Korea.