2021 news

  • 11/29/2021, Fanglin gave an invited talk on “The Transition from Graduate Student to Assistant Professor in Computational Catalysis” at Washington State University. 
  • Join us in welcoming Yuting Xu as the third PhD student in our group, starting 2022 Fall! We look forward to a successful and collaborative journey together!
  • Join us in welcoming Saleh AhmatIbrahim as second PhD student in our group, starting 2022 Spring! We look forward to a successful and collaborative journey together!

Group First Journal Cover at ChemCatChem! Congrats Mingyu!

2021 AICHE! Mingyu’s first in-person conference!

Re-union with Alyssa and WSU team.

  • 09/22/2021, Great News to share! Thanks to ONR, our group received two awards to study Electrocatalysis and Plasma Catalysis. This work will collaborate with Prof. Michael Ross, Prof. Hsiwu Wong, and Prof. Juan Pablo Trelles group at Umass Lowell.
  • Welcome Jaime Notarangelo join in the group as an undergraduate student!
  • 05/07/2021, Dr. Fanglin Che received 2021 Teaching Excellence Award.
  • 03/30/2021, Congrats Mingyu for his co-first author, Dr. Fanglin Che as co-responding author paper accepted by Nature Communications.
  • 03/02/2021, Great News to share! Thanks to NSF CBET Catalysis Program, our group received the first NSF award to study Electrocatalysis Modulated by Bifunctional Organic Monolayer. This work will collaborate with Prof. Zhiyong Gu group at Umass Lowell