
Dr. Fanglin Che joined in Chemical Engineering department at UMass Lowell as an Assistant Professor in September, 2019. Dr. Che earned her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Washington State University in December, 2016, under the advisement of Prof. Jean-Sabin McEwen. From 2017 to 2018, she worked on AI-guided electrocatalysis with Prof. Edward Sargent at University of Toronto as a Postdoctoral Researcher. From 2018 to 2019, she worked on computational fluid dynamic simulation for microwave heating as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at University of Delaware in Prof. Dionisios G. Vlachos’s laboratory.




PI Che research group is focusing on establishing their leadership on Artificial Intelligence guided Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale simulations for renewable energy powered process intensification and electrified systems. PI Che focuses on the systems, including electric field-enhanced catalysis, plasma, microwave catalysis, and electrocatalysis. The overall goal of PI Che research group is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, net-zero carbon process, carbon capture, removal, storage, and utilizations, and zero-carbon fuel and chemical generations using interpretable, physics-informed machine learning promoted material design and operation design.

More details, please refer to Fanglin’s most updated CV.



The funded projects include:

(1) Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Electrochemical C-N Coupling by Metal-Organic Materials. Funded by NSF in 2024.


(2) High-throughput discovery of spinel oxides for natural seawater electrolysis. Supported by UL Research Institutes in 2024


(3) Machine Learning Guided PFAS-Free Textile. Funded by DEVCOM in 2024.


(4) Interpretable Deep Learning for Advancing Field-Enhanced Catalysis, funded by DOE, Basic Energy Science, Chemical Catalysis, 2023 Early Career Research Award.

(5) Multi-scale and Multi-physics on catalysis under electrified heating, DOE award in 2023

(6) Compact, Low-Cost, Biogas Reformer for 3 kW SOFC Power Generator, Army STTR in 2022.

(7) CO2 Conversion for Temporally Controlled H2 Storage and Electricity Generation, 2022 ONR award.


(8) Electrocatalysis Modulated by Bifunctional Organic Monolayer: CO2 reactive capture and conversion to C2, funded by NSF, CBET, Catalysis, 2021 EAGER research award.


(9) Tunable Plasma Catalytic Reactor for On-Demand Ammonia Production, ONR award in 2021.


(10) Renewably Powered CO2 Recycling for Zero-Carbon On-Demand Fuel Generation, ONR in 2021