
CURRENT TEACHING (at UMass Lowell) uml_vertical_logo_with_black_tagline_tcm18-288512.png

• Issues in Computer Crime and Cyber Security (Graduate-level)

Statistics in Criminal Justice (Undergraduate-level)


PREVIOUS TEACHING (at Inha University) InhaUniversityEmblem

• Big Data and Industrial Geography in China [This is a combined course on big data, computer ethics and cybercrime/cybersecurity with a focus on China.] (Lab practices are included.) [R, NodeXL, UCINET]  (Univ.’s Innovative Teaching Fund awarded)

• Research Methodology (Lab practices are included.) [Excel, SPSS]

• Basic Statistical Analysis for China Studies (Lab practices are included.) [SPSS, R] (Univ.’s Innovative Teaching Fund awarded)

• Regions and Provinces of China (Problem-based learning)

• Seminar on Chinese Studies (Taught in Chinese)

• Global Migration, Deviance, and Crime in Everyday Life and Cyberspace (Graduate course in English)

• Im/migration in Asia and Beyond (Graduate course)


In the past years, I have involved in the following teaching sessions at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the United States, Singapore, and South Korea. Course materials and teaching philosophy are available upon request.


• Computer and Digital Ethics, Cybercrime Investigation & Cybersecurity, Graduate Certificate Program, Metropolitan College, Boston University, 2018.**

 Trends and Patterns of Cybercrime and Identity Frauds: International Perspective, Cybercrime Investigation & Cybersecurity, Graduate Certificate Program, Metropolitan College, Boston University, 2016.**