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UML has a dedicated Diversity Portal promoting an inclusive campus culture. A number of campus units including the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) strive to increase diversity among students, faculty and staff and ensure that all members have an equal opportunity to participate in and contribute to the campus community. We will work with OMA and a variety of UML student organizations including Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), Learning and Living Community (LLC), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers (SHPE), and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) to recruit female and minority students.

We conduct outreach to the community including K-12 students. Dr. Fred Martin is Associate Dean for Teaching, Learning and Undergraduate Studies of the Kennedy College of Sciences (KCS) at UML. His research focuses on the K-12 computer science education. For example, he co-leads the CS Pathways, an NSF-funded researcher-practitioner partnership to build a lasting middle school computer science curriculum based on equity and apps for social good. We plan to host GenCyber and CyberPatriots camps to promote K-12 cybersecurity education in the New England area, which is currently not active in these two communities.