Blackboard Basics

The UMass System president and chancellors have together decided to transition course instruction online, with students not returning to campus until at least April 3, as UMass continues to work to minimize health risks to members of the university community stemming from the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). The situation will be closely monitored to determine whether classes will return to normal mode on April 6.


Continuity of Learning

During the next week, we ask that all instructors develop a plan to ensure continuity of learning for our students. We have developed the following website: to help you transition your instruction online.

On Campus Blackboard

Select a topic from the menu on the left to learn mare about that aspect of using On Campus Blackboard.

  • To find times and links to webinars about Blackboard basics, Blackboard Collaborate and Zoom visit the Continuity of learning page linked below. Webinars will be held 3/12-3/17. More dates may be added.

Continuity of Learning Blackboard Page

  • To find additional information about the On Campus Blackboard such as how to add a TA or Grader to your course, information on the Grade Center, or normal start of term setup, visit the On Campus Blackboard Faculty Information page.
Blackboard for Beginners Webinar (2019)