Materials from my Child Maltreatment course were selected and included to show how I manage collaborative assignments and how I provided the necessary scaffolding to provide students structure and support. This also gets into the ways I assess student work using detailed rubrics.
Materials for my Introduction to Criminal Justice course were selected and included to show interesting, applied, meaningful, real-world anchored assignments and the work students can produce when provided with these conditions. They were also included to show how I organized this course in 3 sections (in addition to the introductory material). To show how each section was concluded with a capstone assignment and then how all three sections were brought together at the end of the course for an in-class debate.
Introduction to Criminal Justice Sample Syllabus
Introduction to Criminal Justice Sample In-Class Policing Assignment
Introduction to Criminal Justice Sample Policing Writing Assignment
Introduction to Criminal Justice Sample Courts In-Class Assignment
Introduction to Criminal Justice Sample Courts Writing Assignment
Introduction to Criminal Justice Sample Corrections Writing Assignment
Introduction to Criminal Justice Sample Policy Debate In-Class Assignment
Materials form my Criminology course were selected and include to show the most current version of the program analysis assignment and the grading rubric used to assess the student presentations.