33. Lester Anderson, Evan Yu, and Wan-Ting Chen*, Chemical Recycling of Mixed Plastics in Electronic Waste Using Solvent-Based Processing, Processes 10(1), 66, 2022.
32. Apekshya Sharma, Evan Yu, Gregory Morose, David Trung Nguyen, Wan-Ting Chen*, Designing Safer Solvents to Replace Methylene Chloride for Liquid Chromatography Applications Using Thin-Layer Chromatography as a Screening Tool, Separations 8(10), 172, 2021.
31. Rowena B. Carpio*, Yuanhui Zhang, Chih-Ting Kuo, Wan-Ting Chen, Lance Charles Schideman, Rizalinda de Leon, Effects of reaction temperature and reaction time on the hydrothermal liquefaction of demineralized wastewater algal biomass, Bioresource Technology Reports, 14: 100679, 2021.
30. Ziming Yang, Timothy H.Lee*, Yikai Li*, Wan-Ting Chen, Yuanhui Zhang, Spray and combustion characteristics of pure hydrothermal liquefaction biofuel and mixture blends with diesel, Fuel, 294: 120498, 2021.
29. Taofeng Lu, Gregory Reimonn, Gregory Morose, Evan Yu, Wan-Ting Chen*, Removing Acrylic Conformal Coating with Safer Solvents for Re-Manufacturing Electronics, Polymers, 13: 937, 2021.
28. Neeti Gandhi, Nicholas Farfaras, Nien-Hwa Linda Wang, Wan-Ting Chen*, Life Cycle Assessment of Recycling High-Density Polyethylene Plastic Waste, Journal of Renewable Materials, 9: 1463-1483, 2021.
27. Wan-Ting Chen*, Zhenwei Wu, Buchun Si, Yuanhui Zhang , Renewable Diesel Blendstocks and Bioprivileged Chemicals Distilled from Algal Biocrude Oil Converted via Hydrothermal Liquefaction, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 4: 5165-5178, 2020.
26. Kai Jin, Petr Vozka, Gozdem Kilaz, Wan-Ting Chen, Nien-Hwa Linda Wang*,Conversion of polyethylene waste into clean fuels and waxes via hydrothermal processing (HTP), Fuel, 273: 117726, 2020.
25. Wan-Ting Chen*, Md. Akiful Haque, Taofeng Lu, Aersi Aierzhati, Gregory Reimonn, A Perspective on Hydrothermal Processing of Sewage Sludge, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 14: 63-73, 2020 (Invited).
24. Timothy H. Lee, Ziming Yang*, Yuanhui Zhang, Wan-Ting Chen, Investigation of combustion and spray of biowaste based fuel and diesel blends, Fuel, 268: 117382, 2020.
23. Jamison Watson, Tengfei Wang, Buchun Si, Wan-Ting Chen, Aersi Aierzhati, Yuanhui Zhang*, Valorization of hydrothermal liquefaction aqueous phase: pathways towards commercial viabilityAuthor links open overlay panel, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 77: 100819, 2020.
22. Gregory Reimonn, Taofeng Lu, Neeti Gandhi, Wan-Ting Chen*, Review of Microplastic Pollution in the Environment and Emerging Recycling Solutions, JRM: Journal of Renewable Materials, 7 (12): 1251-1268, 2019.
21. Timothy H Lee, Ziming Yang, Gang Li, Wan-Ting Chen, Yuanhui Zhang, Tonghun Lee, Alan C Hansen, Combustion Characteristics in a Constant Volume Chamber of Diesel Blended with HTL, SAE Technical Paper, 2019-01-0578, 2019.
20. Rowena B Carpio, Yuanhui Zhang*, Chih-Ting Kuo, Wan-Ting Chen, Lance Schideman, Rizalinda L de Leon, Characterization and thermal decomposition of demineralized wastewater algae biomass, Algal Research, 38: 101399, 2019.
19. Buchun Si, Libin Yang, Xuefei Zhou, Jamison Watson, Giovana Tommaso, Wan-Ting Chen, Qiang Liao, Na Duan, Zhidan Liu*, Yuanhui Zhang*, Anaerobic conversion of the hydrothermal liquefaction aqueous phase: fate of organics and intensification with granule activated carbon/ozone pretreatment, Green Chemistry, 21(6): 1305-1318, 2019.
18. Wan-Ting Chen, Kai Jin, Nien-Hwa Linda Wang*, Use of Supercritical Water for the Liquefaction of Polypropylene into Oil, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 7 (4): 3749–3758, 2019.
17. Wan-Ting Chen, Yuanhui Zhang*, Timothy H. Lee, Zhenwei Wu, Buchun Si, Chia-Fon F. Lee, Alice Lin, Brajendra K. Sharma , Renewable diesel blendstocks produced by hydrothermal liquefaction of wet biowaste, Nature Sustainability, 1: 702-710, 2018.
16. Jamison Watson, Yuanhui Zhang*, Buchun Si, Wan-Ting Chen, Raquel de Souza, Gasification of Biowaste: A Critical Review and Outlooks, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 83: 1-17, 2018.
15. Wan-Ting Chen, Wanyi Qian, Yuanhui Zhang*, Zachary Mazur, Chih-Ting Kuo, Karalyn Scheppe, Lance Schideman, B.K. Sharma, Effect of ash on hydrothermal liquefaction of high-ash content algal biomass, Algal Research, 25: 297-306, 2017.
8. Wan-Ting Chen, Junchao Ma, Yuanhui Zhang*, Gai Chao, Wanyi Qian, Physical Pretreatments of Wastewater Algae to Reduce Ash Content and Improve Thermal Decomposition Characteristics, Bioresource Technology, 169: 816-820, 2014.
7. Wan-Ting Chen, Yuanhui Zhang*, Jixiang Zhang, Lance Schideman, Guo Yu, Peng Zhang, Mitchell Minarick, Co-liquefaction of Swine Manure and Mixed-culture Algal Biomass from a Wastewater Treatment System to Produce Bio-crude Oil, Applied Energy, 128: 209-216, 2014.
6. Chao Gai, Yuanhui Zhang*, Wan-Ting Chen, Peng Zhang, Yuping Dong, Energy and Nutrient Recovery Efficiencies in Biocrude Oil Produced via Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa, RSC Advances, 33: 16958-16967, 2014.
5. Wan-Ting Chen, Yuanhui Zhang*, Jixiang Zhang, Peng Zhang, Guo Yu, Lance Schideman, Mitchell Minarick, Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Mixed-culture Algal Biomass from Wastewater Treatment System into Bio-crude Oil, Bioresource Technology, 152: 130-139, 2014.