Semiconductor Metamaterials

Ballistic Metamaterials

Ballistic Resonance originates from the interplay between the motion of the free electrons in ultra-thin layers and time-periodic electromagnetic field. It can be used to realize negative permittivity at frequencies above the bulk plasma frequency of materials, bringing the benefits of light confinement, hyperbolic dispersion, among others, to new frequency ranges. The findings are summarized in Optica publication

The limits of using Ballistic Resonance to increase effective plasma frequency within semiconductor “designer metals” platforms are summarized in Opt. Lett

Numerical codes for calculating optical response of ultra-thin highly doped semiconductor layers are available on GitHub

Plasmon-enhanced emission

Plasmonic materials can modify emission of quantum objects in their vicinity due to modulation of photonic density of states (Purcell effect) and by re-shaping the directionality of the emitted light. At mid-IR frequencies, where few efficient sources exist, highly doped semiconductor plasmonic layers can enhance both photoluminescence and electroluminescence


Numerical codes that can be used to calculate emission modulation in layered materials are available as supplementary material to Appl.Phys.Lett 116 021102 (2020)

Negative refraction of light

First demonstration of negative refraction at optical frequencies in optically thick composite – see full publication