( A site to help you search for new and used books. ( Another site to help you search for new and used books. Also includes rental options.
FetchBook.Info ( Yet another site to help you search for new and used books.
Render/Hanna/Stair Textbook Companion Site ( The companion web site for the new version of the current POMS.2010 textbook. It contains PowerPoint slides, quizzes, and links for each chapter.
Evans “Business Analytics” Textbook Companion Site ( The companion web site for the previous POMS.2010 textbook. It has Excel data files that are useful for solving problems from the textbook.
Journal of Stat Education – cool apps! ( A collection of JAVA Applets including the Central Limit Theorem, Confidence Intervals, Histograms, Power, and Regression.
Sampson on Services ( Links, videos, and other cool study related to Service Operations.
INFORMS ( The home page for the premier professional society for Operations Research, Management Science, and Analytics.
APICS Home Page ( The home page for APICS-The Educational Society for Resource Management. They provide training, certification, and educational materials related to production and inventory management. Our local chapter is the APICS North Shore chapter.
Merrimack Valley Venture Forum ( “The Merrimack Valley Venture Forum (MVVF) is a non-profit organization that facilitates business growth in the region’s technology and scientific sectors by serving entrepreneurs, emerging and established companies, professional service providers, academia and the investment community.”