Kazaz, B. and Sloan, T.W. (2013) “The Impact of Process Deterioration on Production and Maintenance Policies,” European Journal of Operational Research, 227(1): 88–100. [PDF ].
Sloan, T.W. (2008) “Simultaneous Determination of Production and Maintenance Schedules Using In-line Equipment Condition and Yield Information,” Naval Research Logistics, 55(2): 116–129. [PDF ]
Kazaz, B. and Sloan, T.W. (2008) “Production Policies under Deteriorating Process Conditions,” IIE Transactions, 40(3): 187–205. [PDF ]
Sloan, T.W. (2004) “A Periodic Review Production and Maintenance Model with Random Demand, Deteriorating Equipment, and Binomial Yield,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(6): 647–656. [PDF ]
Sloan, T.W. and Shanthikumar, J.G. (2002) “Using In-line Equipment Condition and Yield Information for Maintenance Scheduling and Dispatching in Semiconductor Wafer Fabs,” IIE Transactions, 34(2): 191–209. [PDF ]
Sloan, T.W. and Shanthikumar, J.G. (2000) “Combined Production and Maintenance Scheduling for a Multipleproduct, Singlemachine Production System,” Production and Operations Management, 9(4): 379–399. [PDF ]
Sloan, T.W. “Yield-based Production and Maintenance Scheduling of Multi-product, Multi-stage Manufacturing Systems,” under review (manuscript available upon request).
Medical Device Reprocessing
Sloan, T.W. (2010) “First, Do No Harm? A Framework for Evaluating New vs. Reprocessed Medical Devices,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 61(2): 191–201. [PDF ]
Sloan, T.W. (2007) “Safety-Cost Trade-offs in Medical Device Reuse: A Markov Decision Process Model,” Health Care Management Science, 10(1): 81–93. [PDF ]
Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
Yakovleva, N., Sarkis, J., and Sloan, T.W. (2012) “Sustainable Benchmarking of Supply Chains: The Case of the Food Industry,” International Journal of Production Research, 55(5): 1297–1317. [PDF ]
Sloan, T.W. (2010) “Measuring the Sustainability of Global Supply Chains: Current Practices and Future Directions,” Journal of Global Business Management, 6(1): 92–107. [PDF ]
Yakovleva, N., Sarkis, J., and Sloan, T.W. (2010) “Sustainability Indicators for the Food Supply Chain,” invited book chapter in Environmental Assessment and Management in the Food Industry, edited by U. Sonesson, J. Berlin, and F. Ziegler (Woodhead Publishers, Cambridge, UK), ISBN 9781845695521, pp. 297–330. [PDF ]
Nickerson, J.A. and Sloan, T.W. (1999) “Data Reduction Techniques and Hypothesis Testing for Analysis of Benchmarking Data,” International Journal of Production Research, 37(8): 1717–1741. [PDF ]
Empirical Studies of Semicondutor Manufacturing Practices
Sloan, T.W. (2003) “Shop-floor Scheduling of Semiconductor Wafer Fabs: Exploring the Influence of Technology, Market, and Performance Objectives,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 16(2): 281–289. [PDF]
Nickerson, J.A. and Sloan, T.W. (1999) “Data Reduction Techniques and Hypothesis Testing for Analysis of Benchmarking Data,” International Journal of Production Research, 37(8): 1717–1741. [PDF ]
Environmental Issues and Equipment Maintenance
Sloan, T.W. (2011) “Green Renewal: Incorporating Environmental Factors in Equipment Replacement Decisions under Technological Change,” Journal of Cleaner Production 19(2-3): 173–186. [PDF ]
Sloan, T.W. and Sarkis, J. “Clean and Green: Balancing Economic and Environmental Interests in Equipment Maintenance Decisions.”
Sloan, T.W. “True Green: Aligning Economic and Environmental Concerns in Equipment Replacement Decisions.”
Teaching and Innovative Education
Sloan, T.W., and Lewis D. (2014) “Lecture Capture Technology and Student Performance in an Operations Management Course,” Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 12(4): 339–355.
Lewis, D., and Sloan, T.W. (2012) “Using Video Capture Technology to Enhance Student Performance,” Business Education Innovation Journal, 4(2): 73–79. [PDF ]
Sloan, T.W. and Lewis, D. (2011) “Vertical Integration: Results from a Cross-Course Student Collaboration,” Journal of Education for Business, 86(6): 339–345. [PDF ]
Sloan, T.W., Shea, T., and Lewis, D. (2010) “Use of New Technologies in Distance Education: The Case of Operations Management,” California Journal of Operations Management, 8(1): 21–30. [PDF ]