Discrete Structures II - Spring 2020

Go to Blackboard for announcements, assignments, etc.


Instructor: Dr. Thao Tran (thao_tran2@uml.edu)

Office Hours: MWF 11:45 am to 12:15 pm and 2:00 to 2:45 pm, or by appointment

Office: 428L Olney

Textbook: Applied Discrete Structures by Doerr and Levasseur

Click here for the syllabus.


Note: The schedule is subject to change.  I will alert you to changes in class.

Wednesday, January 22:

Friday, January 24:

Monday, January 27

Wednesday, January 29

  • Lecture on Section 9.4.
  • Quiz #1 on sections 9.1 and 9.2.

Friday, January 31

Monday, February 3:
  • Section 9.4: More on Hamiltonian graphs.
  • Lecture on Section 10.1.
  • Homework: Section 10.1 textbook problem: #1
  • No office hours between 2:00-2:45. (You can see me during 11:30-12:15, or make an appointment.)

Wednesday, February 5:

  • Lecture on Section 10.1-10.2.
  • No office hours between 2:00-2:45. (You can see me during 11:30-12:15, or make an appointment.)
  • Quiz #2 on sections 9.3 and 9.4.

Friday, February 7:

  • Lecture on Section 10.2-10.3
  • Homework: Section 10.2 textbook problems: #2, #4(ac), 6
    • Notes: Use Prim’s algorithm for problems 2 and 4.  For problem #2, you should construct a weighted graph G, where the vertices are the cities, and there’s an edge between any pair of distinct cities so that the weight of the edge is the distance between the two cities.

Monday, February 10:

  • Lecture on Section 10.3-10.4.

Wednesday, February 12:

Friday, February 14:

Monday, February 17:

  • University closed for Presidents Day.

Tuesday, February 18:

  • Lecture on Section 11.1 and 13.1.

Wednesday, Feburary 19:

  • Lecture on Section 13.1-13.2.
  • Homework: Section 13.1 textbook problems: Problems #1, 3, 4
    • For problem #3, replace part (a) by the following instructions: Find the least upper bound and greatest lower bound of a2 and a3 (if possible). (Do part (b) as indicated.)
  • Quiz #4 on sections 10.3-10.4.

Friday, February 21:

Monday, February 24:

  • Review for Exam 1: Click here for the review sheet.
  • We will go over any questions you have from homework from Chapters 9-10 or the exam review sheet.
  • Start on section 13.3.

Wednesday, February 26:

  • Exam 1 covering Chapters 9 and 10.

Friday, February 28

  • Lecture on Sections 13.3-13.5

Monday, March 2

Wednesday, March 4:

  • Lecture on Section 11.2-11.3.
  • Homework: Sections 11.2-3 [PDF].  This homework will be collected on Wednesday, March 18.
  • Quiz #5 on sections 13.1 and 13.2.

Friday, March 6:

  • Lecture on Section 11.3-11.4.

Go to Blackboard for announcements, assignments, etc.