Titin, the largest known protein, plays an integral role in sarcomere structure, both as a scaffold and as a regulator of both passive and active force. Titin is composed of a series of repeated immunoglobulin and fibronectin domains with a large disordered region in the center of the protein (Figure 1). Our lab has been working to understand three primary principles involving the relationship between titin structure and it’s function.
The growing rate of antimicrobial resistance has become a major health issue worldwide. A recent study by the RAND institute predicts that, if left unchecked, the world population will be 11 to 444 million people smaller in 2050 than if there was no antimicrobial resistance. This decreased population would reduce the overall global economy by up to 3% or ~$125 trillion. Currently, the cost associated with treating antibiotic resistant infections is estimated at $2 billion annually, which has more than doubled in the past 15 years, and these costs will continue to rise in the future, further impacting the U.S. and global economy if they remain unchecked.
There are two issues that are major roadblocks to addressing the growing rate of resistance. First, there are a limited number of new antimicrobial compounds that have either been approved or that are in the development pipeline (51 compounds are currently in the pipeline). The return on investment is limited because antibiotics are only prescribed for a short period of time compared to more chronic diseases such as cancer or HIV, where patients might take a drug for years. This has been a deterrent for major pharmaceutical companies to invest in development of new compounds. Second, development has focused on a limited number of targets, which allows resistance to rapidly develop following introduction of a new antibiotic into therapeutic use.
Work in our lab is focused on identifying new targets for drug development studies. The current area of focus in on a novel transcription factor conserved within the bacterial kingdom. Our lab has developed fluorescence-based reporter assay to monitor transcription factor activity and we have used this assay to screen potential inhibitors. Our current work is focused on characterizing the binding of these potential inhibitors to our target transcription factor using a variety of biophysical techniques.