Kirsten Swenson
Associate Professor of Art History
Department of Art + Design
Recent Writing
“Earthworks by Women in Cities…” on Nancy Holt, Mary Miss, and Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Art in America (September 2024).
“Michael Heizer’s City: A Visit to a Ruin Being Born,” Art in America (December 2022).
“From Gravel Pits to Sculpture Parks,” Art in America (September, 2022).
In progress: Kirsten Swenson and Rebecca Uchill, “Local Ecologies: Artistic Investigations of Eastern Massachusetts.” Under advance contract with Amherst College Press.
In progress: “Reclamations: Earthworks, Public Works, Environments”
Irrational Judgments: Eva Hesse, Sol LeWitt, and 1960s New York (Yale University Press, 2015).
Recent Grants and Fellowships
Collective Futures Fund Ongoing Platforms Grant (with Rebecca Uchill). Tufts University Art Galleries Re-granting Program of The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.
ACLS Burkhardt Fellow, Kluge Center, Library of Congress.
More Essays…
“The City in Pieces: Sol LeWitt’s Manhattan,” in David Areford, ed. Locating Sol LeWitt (Yale University Press, 2021).
“Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s Unfinished Works…” in Art in America (June, 2020).
“Circa 1960: Donald Judd and the End of Painting,” in Alex Gartenfeld and Flavin Judd, eds. Donald Judd: Paintings 1959-1961 (Prestel, 2019).