Kirsten Swenson

  Kirsten Swenson
Associate Professor of Art History
Department of Art + Design

Recent Writing
“Earthworks by Women in Cities…” on Nancy Holt, Mary Miss, and Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Art in America (September 2024).

“‘The Last Nonsite’: Nonsite, Site Uncertain, Politics, and Prehistory,” Holt Smithson Foundation (October 2023). 

“Michael Heizer’s City: A Visit to a Ruin Being Born,” Art in America (December 2022).

“From Gravel Pits to Sculpture Parks,” Art in America (September, 2022).

In progress: Kirsten Swenson and Rebecca Uchill, “Local Ecologies: Artistic Investigations of Eastern Massachusetts.” Under advance contract with Amherst College Press.

In progress: “Reclamations: Earthworks, Public Works, Environments”

Irrational Judgments: Eva Hesse, Sol LeWitt, and 1960s New York (Yale University Press, 2015).

Emily Scott and Kirsten Swenson, eds., Critical Landscapes: Art, Space, Politics (University of California Press, 2015)

Recent Grants and Fellowships
Collective Futures Fund Ongoing Platforms Grant (with Rebecca Uchill). Tufts University Art Galleries Re-granting Program of The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

ACLS Burkhardt Fellow, Kluge Center, Library of Congress.

Graham Foundation Research Grant

More Essays…
“The City in Pieces: Sol LeWitt’s Manhattan,” in David Areford, ed. Locating Sol LeWitt (Yale University Press, 2021).

“Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s Unfinished Works…” in Art in America (June, 2020).

“Circa 1960: Donald Judd and the End of Painting,” in Alex Gartenfeld and Flavin Judd, eds. 
Donald Judd: Paintings 1959-1961 (Prestel, 2019).

“Tropical Fantasies, Dark Histories,” Art in America (November, 2017.

“Edgar Arceneaux at MIT List Visual Arts Center,” Art in America (January, 2017).

“Exposures: Ryman and Time,” in Courtney J. Martin and Stephen Hoban, eds. Robert Ryman (New York and New Haven: Dia Art Foundation and Yale University Press, 2017).

Jennifer Bartlett: Surface Substitution on 36 Plates,” Tate In Focus (Tate Research Publication, 2017).

“Lorraine O’Grady at the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard University,” Art in America (Feb. 2016).

Robert Irwin at the Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden,” Art in America (August, 2016)

“Living Walls,” Peter Soriano: Permanent Maintenance (Colby College Museum of Art, 2016).

“A Pyramid for Queens” in Agnes Denes: The Living Pyramid (New York: Socrates Sculpture Park, 2015).

“Tobias Putrih: The Sunless Universe,” Tobias Putrih (Steirischen Herbst/Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich, 2015).

“An Impure Situation: Eva Hesse, Sol LeWitt, and the Problem of Painting” in Veronica Roberts, ed. Converging Lines: Eva Hesse and Sol LeWitt (Austin, Tx. and New Haven: Blanton Museum of Art and Yale University Press, 2014).

“‘Impossible Machines’: Drawing into Sculpture” in Eva Hesse 1965 (Yale University Press, 2013).

“Blue Skies, Dark Spaces: The Summer of James Turrell,” Art in America (October, 2013).

“Land Art for the Media Age,” Art in America (October, 2012).

“Sol LeWitt and Urban Space” in Nicholas Baume, ed. Sol LeWitt Structures, 1965-2006 (New Haven and New York: Yale University Press and Public Art Fund, 2012).

“Land Use in Contemporary Art,” Art Journal (Winter, 2010). Introductory text and edited “Forum” of essays. Recipient of 2011 “Art Journal Award.”