
Book Chapters

1.    “Self-Healing Materials Utilizing Supramolecular Interactions.” in book entitled Self-Healing Polymer-Based Systems. J.F. Reuther*, R. Scanga, A. Shahrokhinia, P. Biswas. 2020 (Elseiver) [Link]



38. “Cationic Nanoparticle Networks (CNNs) with Remarkably Efficient, Simultaneous Adsorption of Microplastics and PFAS.” S. Tafazoli, D.B. Shuster, A. Shahrokhinia, S. Rijal, D.M. Ruhamya, K.A. Dubray, D.J. Morefield, J.F. Reuther*. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2025. Articles ASAP. [Link]

37. “Dynamic Worm-Gel Materials as Tunable, Regenerable Adsorbents for Water Treatment.” A. Shahrokhinia, S. Tafazoli, S. Rijal, D.B. Shuster, R.A. Scanga, D.J. Morefield, J. Garay, R.A. Rocheleau, M. Bagheri Kashani, R. Nagarajan, O.G. Apul, J.F. Reuther*. Macromolecules, 2024. 57, 628-639. [Link]

36. “Multi-Responsive Nanogels with Tunable Orthogonal Reversible Covalent (TORC) Core-Crosslinks for AND-Gate Controlled Release.” S. Tafazoli, A. Shahrokhinia, S. Rijal, J. Garay, R.A. Scanga, J.F. Reuther*.  Polymer Chemistry, 2023. 145, 4957-4969. (Journal Front Cover; Invited Manuscript for Emerging Investigator Series) [Link]

35. “Asymmetric Polymerization-Induced Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly of Helical, Rod-Coil Poly(Aryl Isocyanide) Block Copolymers.” R.A. Scanga, A. Shahrokhinia, J. Borges, S.H. Sarault, M.B. Ross, J.F. Reuther*J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023. 145, 6319-6329. [Link]

34. “Oxime-Functionalized, Nonwoven Nanofabrics for Rapid, Inexpensive Decontamination of a Nerve Agent Simulant.” P. Biswas, D.B. Shuster, B. Sonmez Baghirzade, R.A. Scanga, S.A. Harris, C.N. Tran, O.G. Apul*, and J.F. Reuther*ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 3425-3434 [Link]

33. “Low-Loss Dielectric Ink for Printed Radio Frequency and Microwave Devices.” Y. Piro*, C. Areias, A. Luce, M. Michael, P. Biswas, O. Ranasingha, J.F. Reuther, S. Trulli, and A. Akyurtlu*. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2023. 15, 35449-35458. [Link]

32. “Accessibility of adsorption sites for superfine powdered activated carbon incorporated into electrospun polystyrene fibers.” B. Sonmez Baghirzade, P. Biswas, S. Moavenzadeh, B. Frederick, J.F. Reuther, O.G. Apul. Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 461, 142009. [Link]

31. “Trehalose-Grafted Glycopolymer: Synthesis via the Staudinger Reaction and Capture of Mycobacteria.” S.A. Wijesundera, S.H. Liyanage, P. Biswas, J.F. Reuther, and M. Yan*. Biomacromolecules. 2023, 24, 238-245. [Link]

30. “Molecular Encryption and Steganography Using Mixtures of Simultaneously Sequenced, Sequence-Defined Oligourethanes.” S.D. Dahlhauser, C.D. Wight, S.R. Moor, R.A. Scanga, P. Ngo, J.T. York, M.S. Vera, K.J. Blake, I.M. Riddington, J.F. Reuther*, and E.V. Anslyn*. ACS Cent. Sci. 2022, 8, 1125–1133. [Link

Featured on C&ENForbesScience Daily and NanoWerk

29. “Chain Extensions in PhotoATRP-Induced Self-Assembly (PhotoATR-PISA): A Route to Ultrahigh Solids Concentrations and Click Nanoparticle Networks as Adsorbents for Water Treatment.” A. Shahrokhinia, S. Rijal, B. Sonmez Baghirzade, R.A. Scanga, P. Biswas, S. Tafazoli, O.G. Apul and J.F. Reuther*. Macromolecules. 2022, 55, 3699-3710. (Journal Front Cover). [Link


28. “Electrostatic and Covalent Assemblies of Anionic Hydrogel-Coated Gold Nanoshells for Detection of Dry Eye Biomarkers in Human Tears.” M.E. Wechsler, HKH J. Dang, S.P. Simmonds, K. Bahrami, J.M. Wyse, S.D. Dahlhauser, J.F. Reuther, A.N. VandeWalle, E.V. Anslyn*, N.A. Peppas*. Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 8734-8740. [Link]

27. “Orthogonal Synthesis and Modification of Polymer Materials.” A. Shahrokhinia, P. Biswas, J.F. Reuther*. J. Polym. Sci. 2021, 59 (16), 1748-1786. (Journal Front Cover) [Link]

26. “Helical Polymer Self-Assembly and Chiral Nanostructure Formation.” R.A. Scanga, J.F. Reuther*Polymer Chemistry. 2021, 12, 1857-1897 (Journal Front Cover) [Link]

25. “PhotoATRP Induced Self-Assembly (PhotoATR-PISA) Enables Simplified Synthesis of Responsive Polymer Nanoparticles in One-Pot.” A. Shahrokhinia, R.A. Scanga, P. Biswas, J.F. Reuther*. Macromolecules, 2021, 54, 1441-1451 [Link]

24. “Thermal Regeneration of Spent Granular Activated Carbon Presents an Opportunity to Break the Forever PFAS Cycle.” B. Sonmez Baghirzade, Y. Zhang, J.F. Reuther, N.B. Saleh, A.K. Venkatesan, O.G. Apul*. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021. 55, 5608-5619. [Link]

23. “Assembly of Linked Nanocrystal Colloids by Reversible Covalent Bonds.” M.N. Dominguez, M.P. Howard, J.M. Maier, S.A. Valenzuela, Z.M. Sherman, J.F. Reuther, L.C. Reimnitz, J. Kang, S.H. Cho, S.L. Gibbs, A.K. Menta, D.L. Zhang, A. van der Stok, S.J. Kline, E.V. Anslyn, T.M. Truskett, D.J. Milliron. Chem. Mater. 2020. 32, 10235-10245. [Link]

22.    “Chemically Triggered Synthesis, Remodeling, and Degradation of Soft Materials.” X. Sun, M. Chwatko, D. Lee, J.L. Bachman, J.F. Reuther, N.A. Lynd, E.V. Anslyn. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 3913-22. [Link]

21.    “Metallotexaphyrins as MRI-Active Catalytic Antioxidants for Neurodegenerative Disease: A Study on Alzheimer’s Disease.” J.T. Brewster II, G.D. Thiabaud, P. Harvey, H. Zafar, J.F. Reuther, S. Dell’Acqua, R.M. Johnson, H.D. Root, P. Metola, A. Jasanoff, L. Casella, J.L. Sessler. Chem. 2020, 6, 703-724. [Link]

20. “Condition-Dependent Coordination and Peroxidase Activity of Hemin-Aβ Complexes.” C. Bacchella, J.T. Brewster II, S. Bahring, S. Dell’Acqua, H.D. Root, G.D. Thiabaud, J.F. Reuther, E. Monzani, J.L. Sessler*, L. Casella*. Molecules, 2020, 25(21), 5044. [Link]

19.     “Nanogel Receptors for High Isoelectric Point Protein Detection: Influence of Electrostatic and Covalent Polymer-Protein Interactions.” M.E. Wechsler, H.K.H.J Dang, S.D. Dahlhauser, S.P. Simmonds, J.F. Reuther, A.N Van de Walle, E.V. Anslyn, N.A. Peppas. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 6141-44. [Link]

Graphical abstract: Nanogel receptors for high isoelectric point protein detection: influence of electrostatic and covalent polymer–protein interactions

18.     “Tunable Orthogonal Reversible Covalent (TORC) Bonds: Dynamic Chemical Control over Molecular Assembly.” J.F. Reuther*, S.D. Dahlhauser, E.V. Anslyn*. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 58, 74-85. [Link]


Pre-UML Publications

17. “A Versatile Approach to Noncanonical Dynamic Covalent Single- and Multi-Loop Peptide Macrocycles for Enhancing Antimicrobial Activity.” J.F. Reuther, A.C. Goodrich, P.R. Escamilla, T.A. Lu, V. Del Rio, B.W. Davies, E.V. Anslyn. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 10, 3768-3774. [Link]

16.  “Dynamic Covalent Chemistry Enables Sequence Defined Quaternary Assembly in a Completely Abiotic Manner.” J.F. Reuther, I.V. Kolesnichenko, E.T. Hernandez, D.V. Ukraintsev, R. Guduru, E.V. Anslyn. Nature Chemistry. 2018, 10, 45-50.  [Link]

15. “2,2’-Bipyridine and Hydrazide Containing Peptides for Cyclization and Complex Quaternary Structural Control.” E.T. Hernandez, P.R. Escamilla, S.Y. Kwon, J. Patridge, M. McVeigh, S. Rivera, J.F. Reuther, E.V. Anslyn. New Journal of Chemistry. 2018, 42, 8577-8582. [Link]

14. “Coupling Activity-Based Detection, Target Amplification, Colorimetric Signal Amplification, and Dendritic Signal Amplification for Quantitative Chemosensing of Fluoride Generated from Nerve-Agents.” X. Sun, J.F. Reuther, S.T. Phillips, E.V. Anslyn. Chemistry- A European Journal. 2017, 23, 3903-3909. [Link]

13. “Solid State Sensing of Non-Polar VOCs Using the Bistable Expansion and Contraction of Helical Polycarbodiimides.” R. Campos, J.F. Reuther, N.R. Mammoottil, B.M. Novak. Macromolecules. 2017, 50, 4927-4934. [Link]

12. “Developments in Synthesis, Characterization, and Self-Assembly of Polycarbodiimide Systems.” N.R. Mammoottil, J.F. Reuther, D.A. Siriwardane, O.V. Kulikov, B.M Novak. J. Poly. Sci. A: Poly Chem. 2017, 18, 2915-2934. [Link]

11. “Introduction of o-(Aminomethyl)phenylboronic Acids into Peptides: Alkylation of Secondary-Amine Side Chains.” E.T. Hernandez, I.V. Kolesnichenko, J.F. Reuther, E.V. Anslyn. New Journal of Chemistry. 2017, 1, 126-133. [Link]

10. “Rigid, Helical Arm Stars through Living Nickel Polymerization of Carbodiimides.” D.A. Siriwardane, O.V. Kulikov, J.F. Reuther, B.M. Novak. Macromolecules. 2017, 50, 832-840. [Link]

9.  “Solvent Tunable Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Rod-Coil Block Copolymers with Chiral, Helical Polycarbodiimide Segments: Polymeric Nanostructures with Variable Shapes and Sizes.” J.F. Reuther, D.A. Siriwardane, R. Campos, B.M. Novak. Macromolecules. 2015, 48, 6890-6899[Link]

8.  “Facile Synthesis of Rod-Coil Block Copolymers with Chiral, Helical Polycarbodiimide Segments via Post-Polymerization CuAAC ‘Click’ Coupling of Functional End-Groups.” J.F. Reuther, D.A. Siriwardane, O.V. Kulikov, B.L. Batchelor, R. Campos, B.M. Novak. Macromolecules. 2015, 48, 3207-3216. [Link]

7. Characterization of Fibrous Aggregated Morphologies and other Complex Architectures Self-assembled from Helical Alkyne and Triazole Polycarbodiimides (R)-and (S)-families in the Bulk and Thin Film.” O.V. Kulikov, D.A. Siriwardane, J.F. Reuther, G.T. McCandless, H. Sun, Y. Li, S.F. Mahmood, S. Sheiko, V. Percec, B.M. Novak. Macromolecules (Cover Article). 2015, 48, 4088-4103. [Link]

6. “Controlled Living Polymerization of Carbodiimides Using Versatile, Air-Stable Nickel (II) Initiators: Facile Incorporation of Helical, Rod-like Materials.” J.F. Reuther, M.P. Bhatt, G. Tian, B.L. Batchelor, R. Campos, and B.M. Novak. Macromolecules. 2014, 47, 4587-4595. [Link]

5. “Identification of the Specific, Shutter-like Conformational Reorientation in a Chiroptical Switching Polycarbodiimide by VCD Spectroscopy.” J.F. Reuther, C. Merten, J.D. DeSousa, B.M. Novak. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 11456-11460. [Link]

4. “Semiconducting Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer Containing Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and Nematic Poly(n-hexyl isocyanate) and its Application in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells.” M.P. Bhatt, J. Du, E.A. Rainbolt, T.M. Pathiranage, P. Huang, J.F. Reuther, B.M. Novak, M.C. Biewer, M. Stefan. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 16148-16156. [Link]

3. “Evidence of Entropy-Driven Bistability through 15N NMR Analysis of a Temperature- and Solvent-Induced, Chiroptical Switching Polycarbodiimide.” J.F. Reuther and B.M. Novak. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 19292-19303. [Link]

2. “Direct Probing of Regioregularity for Polycarbodiimide Systems via 15N NMR Analysis.” J.F. Reuther, J.D. DeSousa, and B.M. Novak. Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 7719-7728. [Link]

1. “Determining the Regioregularity in Alkyne Polycarbodiimides and Their Orthogonal Modification of Side Chains to Yield Perfectly Alternating Functional Polymers.” J. Budhathoki-Uprety, J.F. Reuther, and B.M. Novak. Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 8155-8165. [Link]