If you are using Zoom for class meetings, you can easily integrate the Zoom Cloud Meetings with Echo360, resulting in one location for students to click on to view meetings/recordings.
First, make sure that you have scheduled Zoom meetings and are saving those as Zoom Cloud meetings.
Log into your Echo360 account (https://echo360.org) and go to your Account settings.
Under the Zoom Settings tab in Echo, look for the Zoom Meetings that correspond to the Echo class/recording.
Now match the Zoom Meeting to a current Echo360 section. Once found, make sure to Save All Changes.
Now your future Zoom Cloud Meetings have been tied to your Echo360 course. You can share those recordings individually or you can share the course.
See https://sites.uml.edu/its/lecture-capture/lecture-capture-recording-a-class/sharing-a-recording-sharing-course-recordings/ for info on sharing recordings.