

Honors Project Committe member, 2016-17; Provided support for IRB certification of surveys and general research guidance

UMass Lowell Research and Community Co-op, 2011-12; Supported and mentored an undergraduate student in research project intended to develop research, technology and communication skills.

Independent Directed Study – MBA course (60.677.201): Advanced Management and Sustainability Accounting (3 credit hours), 2010.

Student researched and completed 4 modules comprising the relationship between management accounting and operations research, technology, sustainability and customer relationship management.

Doctoral Committee member of UML Electrical Engineering student, 2010.
Dissertation Title: “Hardware Software Co-Design of a Resource Efficient Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architecture for High Throughput Media Processing Applications”

Supported development of chapter on Cost Analysis and Modeling for Reconfigurable Architectures


Developed new course, “Advanced Management and Sustainability Accounting” as an elective for the Masters in Accountancy program, 2011.

Added the use of lecture capture technology to record student case presentations to achieve different pedagogic goals in the Accounting Information for Management Decision-Making (60.601) course, Fall 2011.

Course Revision – Added an Information Literacy Project Component to Cost Accounting (60.321) course. This project requires students to search and evaluate information sources for a particular task and adequately communicate such information effectively, 2010

Developed new MBA course on Globalization and Accounting at UMass Lowell, 2008

Designed the Accounting Information Systems track in the accounting curriculum at Savannah State University, after research of colleges and curricula integrating accounting and technology, 2000