

“Ambiguous But Tethered: An Accounting Basis for Sustainability Reporting” – Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2012, Volume 23, pp.93-106.

“Implementing Sustainability at Tata Steel” (Case Study), IMA Educational Case Journal, 2011, Volume 4(1), pp.1-10.

“An Integrative Approach to Planning and Control using a Stakeholder-based Knowledge Management System” (with A.George), Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (JAMAR), 2011, Volume 9(1), pp.1-19.

“Mapping, Measurement and Alignment of Strategy Using the Balanced Scorecard: The Tata Steel Case”, Accounting Education: An International Journal, 2009, Volume 18 (2), pp.117-130.

“A rational for stakeholder based management in developing countries”, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, 2008, Volume 4 (2), pp.136-161. [“Highly Commended Award Winner” at the 2009 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence]

“A framework to integrate the enterprise domain ontology and organizational change application domain” (with A.George), International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 2007, Volume 15 (2), pp.3-23.

“Implications of a Stakeholder View on Corporate Reporting”, Accounting and the Public Interest, January 2007, Volume 7 (1), pp.50-65.

“Understanding Developments in the Management Information Value Chain from a Structuration Theory Framework”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, July 2006; pp.319-341.

“Understanding management accounting techniques in the context of organization change”, Management Accounting Quarterly, Summer 2006; Volume 7(4), pp.24-32.

“Distressed Firms and the Secular Deterioration in Usefulness of Accounting Information” (with R. Lipka), Journal of Business Research 59 (2006); pp. 295-303.

“Developing a Strategy-Based Conceptual Database Design Framework Integrating the Balanced Scorecard and the REA” (with A. George), Management Accounting Quarterly, Winter 2005; Volume 6(2), pp.34-43.

“Accounting Education Change, Information Technology, and Curriculum Integration” (with A. George), Review of Business Information Systems, Summer 2003; Volume 7(3), pp. 23-34.

“Using ABC/Balanced Scorecard to Implement ERP” (with A. George, C. Ofong), Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, Fall/Winter 2002; Volume 28 (2), pp. 46-60.

“An Analysis of Business Combinations from the Decision Making and Accountability Perspectives”, Advances in Public Interest Accounting, 2002, Volume 9, pp. 97-126.

“ERP, Learning Communities, and Curriculum Integration” (with A. George), Journal of Information Systems Education, 2002, Volume 13(1), pp. 51-58.

“An Incremental and Relative Analysis of Valuation of R&D Intensive Firms”, Accounting Enquiries: A Research Journal, Spring/Summer 2001, Volume 10(2), pp. 243-274.


Book review — “Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions” by Hilton, Maher, and Selto, 3rd ed, Irwin McGraw-Hill; Issues in Accounting Education, November 2005, Volume 20 (4); pp.369-70.

“Down the Pipe: As other economies grow, look for R&D Outsourcing” – The Exchange (the Business & Employment Magazine of the Savannah Morning News), May 23, 2004, pp. 5,12.

“Agency Theory, Opportunism, and Faith-Learning Integration” (with R.Lewis) – Concept: A Journal of Christian Perspectives in the Liberal Arts, Winter 1998-99, Volume 2 (1), pp. 22-28.