Ph.D. (Accounting), Temple University, Philadelphia, 1997
MBA, Pittsburg State University, Kansas, 1990
Associate Chartered Accountant, ICAI, India, 1986
Bachelor of Commerce, University of Calcutta, India, 1984
2018 Best Paper Award in Innovative Education for the case paper entitled “Café Solar® – Sustainable Coffee in Central America” (with Richard Trubey) at Green Cities Global Interdisciplinary Conference, Nancy, France.
2014 Best Paper Award for the case paper entitled “The Moulder Company: Alternative Strategies for Toxics Use Reduction” (with Mark Myles) by the Mid-Atlantic Region American Accounting Association Teaching & Learning Committee Section.
Third place prize in the 1st Annual Case Writing Competition of the Institute of Management Accountants for the case “Implementing Sustainability at Tata Steel”, 2011.
“A framework to integrate the enterprise domain ontology and organizational change application domain,” IJAIM 2007, 15(2) — selected for inclusion in Emerald Reading ListAssist, Emerald’s unique, peer-reviewed reading list service compiled by faculty experts.
Nominated for the 2010 Teacher Awards sponsored by the UMassLowell Student Government Association.
2009 TLC Best Manuscript award for the case paper entitled “Implementing Sustainability at Tata Steel” by the Northeast Region American Accounting Association Teaching & Learning Committee Section.
Highly Commended Paper Award for the article “A Rationale for Stakeholder-Based Management in Developing Countries,” published in Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, 2008; presented at the 2009 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.
Certificate of Recognition for Excellence in Research in the College of Business, Savannah State University, Fall 2004
Recognized as Outstanding College of Business faculty member and achievements highlighted in the Academic Connection published by the Office of Academic Affairs, Savannah State University, Spring 2004