

Criminales, polícias y políticos: Drogas, política y violencia en Colombia y Mexico. Bogotá, Ediciones Uniandes, 2022.

The Politics of Drug Violence: Criminals, Cops, and Politicians in Colombia and Mexico. New York, Oxford University Press, 2018.

  • Winner 2018 Best Book Prize from the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime, IASOC.
  • Winner Peter Katzenstein’s 2019 prize for the best first book in International Relations, Comparative Politics or Political Economy.
  • Reviewed in Theoretical Criminology, International Affairs, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, Strife Journal, Latin American Politics and Society, Latin American Research Review.

Peer reviewed articles

2024 with Connor Pennell, “Change from above or pressure from below? The diffusion of cannabis reform in Latin America in the twenty-first century”. Find supporting information in Online Appendix.

2023 “Conflict mitigation or governance choreographies? Scaling up and down state-criminal negotiations in Medellin and insights for Mexico.”. Crime, Law and Social Change, Special issue “Between War Making and Peace Building: Mexico’s War on Drugs Revisited” edited by C. Farfán, O. Garcia-Ponce and C. Camacho.

2023   with Richard Snyder and Jazmin Sierra “La economía política de la investigación en ciencias sociales en América Latina”, Revista Estudios Sociológicos Vol. 41, 259-364.

2021  with Soifer, H. “The Drug Trade and State Violence in Internal Conflicts: Evidence from Peru”, Latin American Politics and Society,  63(4), 96-123.

2016    with Cruz, J.M. “Hiding Violence to Deal with the State: Criminal Pacts in El Salvador and Medellín,” Journal of Peace Research 53(2), 2016: 197-210.          

2015    “To Kill and Tell? State Power, Criminal Competition, and Drug Violence,” Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (8) December 2015: 1377-1403.

2015   “Drugs Around the Corner: Domestic Drug Markets and Violence in Colombia and Mexico,” Journal Latin American Politics and Society, 57 (3) 122-146.          

2012   “Presidents, Political Parties and Referenda in Latin America,” Comparative Political Studies 45(9):1159-1187. (August 2012) 

2009    with Snyder, R. “Does Illegality Breed Violence? Drug Trafficking and State-Sponsored Protection Rackets.” Crime, Law and Social Change 52:3 (September 2009).

2009    with Snyder, R. “Drug Trafficking and State Sponsored Protection Rackets in Mexico and Colombia,” Colombia Internacional 70 (December 2009)

2010     “Crossing Borders: Political Transnationalism among Dominican New Yorkers”, Revista de Ciencia Política, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

2002     “The Frontier: a Strategic Pivot of National Integration,” Revista Territorios, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá.           

Book Chapters

2023 “Large Scale Criminal Violence in the 21st Centuryin Gruszczak, Artur and Kaempf, Sebastian (Eds.) Routledge Handbook on the Future of Warfare, pp. 421-431.

2021    “Suramérica y las políticas de drogas en el Siglo XXI” in Molano, Giovanni, (Ed) América Latina en la Guerra contra las Drogas. Una mirada multidimensional a un fenómeno global. Bogotá: Iepri-Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Fescol, pp. 65-100.  

2021    “Cocaine Smuggling: Between Geopolitics and Domestic Power Struggles” in  Gallien, Max and Weigand, Florian (Eds) Routledge Handbook of Smuggling.

2021 “From Acquiescence to Rebellion: South America and the Global Drug Control Regime” in Idler, A and Garzón, J.C, eds., Transforming the War on Drugs. (Changing Character of War Series, Oxford University)

2020 “Illicit Drugs and Organized Crime in Latin America: New Scholarship and the Future of Alternative Policies” in Bada, X. and Rivera Sanchez, L. eds. Oxford Handbook of Sociology in Latin America (Oxford University Press).

2017    “Silent Traffickers or Brutal Criminals: How State Power Shapes Criminal’s Incentives to Expose Violence” in Santamaría, G. and Carey Jr, D. eds., Violence and Crime in Latin America (Oklahoma University Press, 2017)

2014    with Andreas, P “The International Politics of Drugs and Illicit Trade in the Americas”, in Dominguez, J and Covarrubias, A eds., Handbook of Latin America in the World, Routledge 2014.

2014    “Jóvenes y violencia en Medellín: entre transformación urbana y violencia persistente” in Alvarado, A (Ed). Violencia Juvenil y Acceso a la Justicia en América Latina (in Spanish, El Colegio de Mexico 2014)

2014    with Alanis, U. “Jóvenes en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: entre la falta de oportunidades y el miedo a la violencia” in Alvarado, A (Ed). Violencia Juvenil y Acceso a la Justicia en América Latina (in Spanish, El Colegio de Mexico 2014)

2014    with Andreas, P. “The Politics of Drugs and Illicit Trade in the Americas”, in Kingstone, P and Yashar, D. eds., Handbook of Latin American Politics, Routledge (2012)

reviews, reports and opinion pieces

2022   La paz total posible o ilusoria? in Razón Pública (August)

2021   El narcotráfico en 2021 y en 2022 in Razón Pública (December)

2021    La Guerra contra las Drogas ha fracasado in Razón Pública (June)

2021    La reciclada y fallida estrategia de seguridad de Duque In Razón Pública (April)

2021    Luces en el camino in Revista El Malpensante (January)

2020    Vuelven las fumigaciones en medio de la pandemia In Razón Pública (August)

2020    Federal agents sent to Kenosha, but history shows militarized policing in cities can escalate violence and trigger conflict In The Conversation (August)

2020    Book Review to Securitization and Desecuritization of the FARC in Colombia: A Dual Perspective Analysis by Basar Baysal (Lexington Books 2019) in Latin American Politics and Society, October.

2020    Estados Unidos, Colombia, y la política antidrogas en el 2020 In Razón Pública (January)

2019    Cartel Sieges Leave Mexicans Wondering if Cartels Run the Country In The Conversation (November)

2019    Menos Castigo para el pequeño cocalero ¿En qué consiste la reforma? In Razón Pública (November)

2019    Book Review to Homicidal Ecologies by Deborah Yashar (Cambridge University Press, 2018) in Governance 32(4): 824-826

2019    ¿Se redujeron los cultivos de coca en el 2018? In Razón Pública (June)

2019    ¿Ha aumentado el tráfico de drogas en Colombia? In Razón Pública (April)

2019    ¿Quién tiene razón en el debate sobre glifosato? In Razón Pública (March)

2019    Mexico is bleeding. Can its new president stop the violence? In The Conversation (January)

2018    “Drugs and Democracy in Colombia”, NACLA Report on the Americas, 50:4, 360-363, DOI: 10.1080/10714839.2018.1550977

2018    “The Multiple Dimensions of Drug Related Violence”, Peace in Progress No.35 (November 2018) (Published in Spanish too)

2018    Review to “Voices of Crime”, Bulletin of Latin American Research

2018    “Las Propuestas del Fiscal contra las Drogas: Será que si funcionan?” In Razón Pública (November)

2018     “Colombia: El nuevo panorama de la Guerra contra las drogas,” in Razón Pública  (July)

2018    “El tratamiento penal de los pequeños cocaleros: Todos inconformes” in Razón Pública. (April)

2018    “Trump’s plan to execute drug pushers will do nothing to stop the opioid crisis”  in The Conversation. (March)

2017   “La descertificación y otros demonios” in Razón Pública (September)

2017    “Drug Trafficking and Drug Policies in the Americas: Change, Continuity, and Challenges” Review Essay. Latin American Politics and Society 59 (2), 2017: 145-153.

2017    “El narcotráfico después de las FARC” in Razón Pública (March)

2016   “Fiscal vs. Ministerio de Justicia: La pelea por reformar la política antidrogas” In Razón Pública (November)

2016    “¿Qué se puede renegociar en el acuerdo de drogas ilícitas?” In Razón Pública (November)

2016   “Los grandes retos del acuerdo de drogas ilícitas”. In Razón Pública (July)

2016    Drugs Around the Corner: Domestic Drug Markets and Violence in Colombia and Mexico, Guest Post for Panoramas Website (May)

2016    State Power and the Visibility of Drug Violence, Guest Post for Political Violence at a Glance.     (August)

2014    Building an effective safety research protocol and emergency exit strategies. DSD Working paper series from the Social Science Research Council on Research Security.

2014    “Qué sabemos sobre la marihuana medicinal?” in Razón Pública (October 2014)

2014    “El acuerdo sobre drogas ilícitas: esperanzas y desafíos” in Razón Pública (May)

2013    “La negociación con las FARC y el debate sobre la política antidrogas”, in Razón Pública (November)

2013    “Cali o la invisibilidad de la violencia”, in Razón Pública (April)

2012    Book review: “International Drug Control: Consensus Fractured” by David Bewley-Taylor. Published in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice books, Rutgers School of Law–Newark and Rutgers School of Criminal Justice  (November 2012)

2010    “Violencia Urbana, Narcotráfico y Conflicto: algunas anotaciones para el debate”, in: (December 2010)

2010    with Hazard, G and Rios, V. Mid Year Report on Drug Violence in Mexico, Transborder Institute, University of San Diego.

2010    “La Colombianización de México: estableciendo términos apropiados de debate”, in Revista Perspectiva, Edición 24.

2009    “Referendos en América Latina: ¿una herramienta que fortalece o debilita las instituciones democráticas?”, in Revista Perspectiva, Edición 21 (2009)

2007    Report “The Impact of Organized Crime on Democratic Governance in Central America and the Caribbean” Case studies on illegal economies and corruption in Nicaragua, Honduras, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica. Working paper, Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior FRIDE.