
Research Publications

Journal Publications

Untitled Document
  • D.J.Willis, J.Peraire and J.K.White, A Combined pFFT-Multipole Tree Code, Unsteady Panel Method with Vortex Particle Wakes, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 53, Number 8, Pages 1399-1422, March 2007. Impact Factor: 1.352.
  • J.P.Bardhan, M.D.Altman, D.J.Willis, S.M.Lippow, B.Tidor and J.K.White. Numerical Inte- gration Techniques for Curved-Element Discretizations of Molecule-Solvent Interfaces, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 127, Number 1, 014701, July 2007. 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.851.
  • S.M.Swartz, K.S.Breuer, and D.J.Willis, Aeromechanics in Aeroecology: Flight Biology in the Aerosphere, Integrative and Comparative Biology, Volume 48, Number 1, Pages 85-98, July 2008. 2014 Impact Factor: 3.023.
  • D.K.Riskin, D.J.Willis, J.-I.Diaz, T.L.Hedrick, M.Kostandov, J.Chen, D.H.Laidlaw, K.S.Breuer, and S.M.Swartz, Quantifying the complexity of bat wing kinematics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 254, Number 3, Pages 604-615, October 2008. 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.496.
  • J.Iriarte-Diaz, D.K.Riskin, D.J.Willis, K.S.Breuer, and S.M.Swartz, Whole-body kinematics of a fruit bat reveal the influence of wing inertia on body accelerations, The Journal of Experimental Biology, Volume 214, Part 9, Pages 1546-1553, May 2011. Year Impact Factor 3.3
  • D.J.Willis, J.Bahlman, K.S.Breuer, S.M.Swartz, A Computational Study of Optimal Short Range Gliding Behavior, AIAA Journal, Volume 49, Number 12, Pages 2650-2657, December 2011. 2009 Impact Factor: 0.99.
  • P.-O.Persson, D.J.Willis, J. Peraire, Numerical Simulation of Flapping Wings using a Panel Method and a High-Order Navier-Stokes Solver, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 89, Number 10, Pages 1296-1316, March 2012. Impact Factor: 2.068.
    (Link to Full Paper, Password: DJW2014)
  • E.Favini, S.Agnihotra, S.P.Surwade, C.Niezrecki, D.J.Willis, J.Chen, E.Niemi, K.Desabrais, C.Charette, S.K.Manohar, Sensing Performance of Electrically Conductive Fabrics and Suspension Lines for Parachute Systems, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Volume 23, Number 17, Pages 1969-1986, 2012. Impact Factor:1.523.
  • H.Salehipour, and D.J.Willis, A coupled kinematics-energetics model for predicting energy efficient flapping flight, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 318, Pages 173-196, February 2013. 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.496.
  • D.J.Willis, P.-O.Persson, Multiple-Fidelity Computational Framework for the Design of Efficient Flapping Wings, submitted to the AIAA Journal, 8/2013, Status: Accepted, In Press, doi: 10.2514/1.J052997. 2009 Impact Factor: 0.99.
  • D.J.Willis, Using Enriched Basis Functions for Automatically Handling Wake-Body Intersections in Source-Doublet Potential Panel Methods, Submitted to the Journal of Aircraft, 8/2013, Status: Accepted, In Press, doi: 10.2514/1.C032567. 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.70.

Conference Publications


  • D.J.Willis, J.K.White and J.Peraire, A pFFT Accelerated Linear Strength BEM Potential Solver, presented at MSM ’04 7th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, March 7-11, 2004, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • D.J.Willis, J.White and J.Peraire, A pFFT Accelerated BEM Linear Strength Potential Solver, Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Computational Technologies for Fluid/Thermal/Stress Systems with Industrial Applications, CFD for Design and Optimization, San Diego, California, 2004.
  • D.J.Willis, J.Peraire and J.K.White, FastAero – a Precorrected FFT – Fast Multipole Tree Steady and Unsteady Potential Flow Solver, presented at SMA Symposium, Singapore 2005.
  • D.J.Willis, J.Peraire and J.K.White, A Combined pFFT-Multipole Tree Code, Unsteady Panel Method with Vortex Particle Wakes, Proceedings of the 43rd AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, AIAA Paper 2005-0854, Reno, Nevada, January 2005.
  • D.J.Willis, J.Peraire, and J.K.White, A Quadratic Basis Function, Quadratic Geometry, High Order Panel Method, Proceedings of the 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2006- 1253, Reno, Nevada, January 2006.
  • C.J.Sequeira, D.J.Willis, and J.Peraire, Comparing Aerodynamic Models for Numerical Simulation of Dynamics and Control of Aircraft, Proceedings of the 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2006-1254, Reno, Nevada, January 2006.
  • D.J.Willis, J.Peraire, M.Drela and J.K.White, A Numerical Exploration of Parameter De- pendence in Power Optimal Flapping Flight, Proceedings of the 24th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, AIAA-2006-2994, San Francisco, California, June 2006.
  • S.Swartz, J.-I.Diaz, D.K.Riskin, A.Song, X.Tian, D.J.Willis, and K.S.Breuer, Wing Structure and the Aerodynamic Basis of Flight in Bats, Proceedings of the 45th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 2007.
  • D.J.Willis, K.S.Breuer, J.Peraire. A Computational Investigation of Bio-Inspired Formation Flight and Ground Effect. Proceedings of the 25th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Miami, Florida, June 2007.
  • D.J.Willis, P.-O.Persson, M.Drela, K.S.Breuer, S.M.Swartz, J.Peraire. A Computational Framework for Fluid Structure Interaction in Biologically-Inspired Flapping Flight, Proceedings of the 25th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Miami, Florida, June 2007.
  • J.Chen, A.Forsberg, M.Kostandov, D.J.Willis, D.H.Laidlaw, The Effect of Using Large, High Resolution Stereoscopic Displays for Flow Visualization, International Conference on Computational Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Human Computer Interaction, Article No. 165, ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 poster.
  • D.J.Willis, E.R.Israeli, and J.Peraire, Computational Investigation and Design of Compliant Wings for Biologically Inspired Flight Vehicles, Presented at the 26th Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Science , ICAS, Anchorage, Alaska, September 2008.
  • D.J.Willis, P.O.Persson, E.R.Israeli, K.S.Breuer, S.M.Swartz, J. Peraire, Multifidelity Approaches for the Computational Analysis and Design of Effective Flapping Wing Vehicles, Invited Paper, Proceedings of the 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2008.
  • D.J.Willis, J.Bahlman, S.M.Swartz, K.S.Breuer, Energetically Optimal Flight Trajectories for Short Range Gliding Animals, Presented at the AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Antonio TX, June 2009.
  • D.J.Willis, P.-O.Persson, H.Salehipour, J.Peraire, A multi-fidelity framework for designing compliant flapping wings, Invited Paper presented at the Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010, June 14th – 17th, 2010, Lisbon, Por- tugal
  • D.J.Willis, and H.Salehipour, Preliminary Design of Three-Dimensional Flapping Wings from a Wake-Only Energetics Model, Invited Paper, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Con- ference, Toronto, Canada, August 2010.
  • H.Salehipour, and D.J.Willis, A coupled kinematics and energetics model for flapping flight, submitted and presented at the 2010 Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit in Orlando Florida, January 2010.
  • P.-O.Persson, D.J.Willis, J.Peraire The Numerical Simulation of Flapping Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers, submitted and presented at the 2010 Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit in Orlando Florida, January 2010.
  • H.Salehipour, D.J.Willis, A Novel Energetics Model for Examining Flapping Flight in Nature and Engineering, presented at the 2010 ECCOMAS CFD Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.
  •  H.Salehipour, D.J.Willis, A Wake-Only Energetics Model for Preliminary Design of Biologically-Inspired Micro Air Vehicles, presented at AIAA-AFM, Toronto Canada, Aug, 2010.
  • E.Favini, C.Niezrecki, J.Chen, D.J.Willis, E.Niemi, and K.J.Desabrais, Review of Smart Material Technologies for Active Parachute Applications, 2010 SPIE Smart Structures and Mate- rials, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7643, 76431O, 2010.
  • P.-O.Persson, D.J.Willis, High Fidelity Simulations of Flapping Wings Designed for Energetically Optimal Flight, presented at AIAA-ASM, Orlando, Florida, January 2011.
  • E.Karni, M.Johnson, B.Stiltner, K.Fogleman, P.Gelhausen, D.J.Willis, R.Lind, M.Patil, A Software Suite for Conceptual Design of Flapping Wing MAVs, presented at AIAA-ASM, Or- lando, Florida, January 2011.
  • E.Favini, C.Niezrecki, J.Chen, D.J.Willis, E.Niemi, S.Manohar, Sensing Performance of Electrically Conductive Parachute Fabrics, in the proceedings of and presented at AIAA-ADS, Dublin, Ireland, May, 2011.
  • D.J.Willis, Energetics Considerations in Parachute Aerodynamic Design, in the proceedings of and presented at AIAA-ADS, Dublin, Ireland, May, 2011.
  • E.Favini, C.Niezrecki, S.K.Manohar, D.J.Willis, J.Chen, E.Niemi, K.Desabrais, and C.Charette, Sensing Performance of Electrically Conductive Fabrics and Dielectric Electro Active Polymers for Parachutes, 2011 SPIE Smart Structures and Materials, Proc. SPIE 7981, 798132, 2011.
  •  D.J.Willis, Using Enriched Basis Functions for Automatically Handling Wake-Body Intersections in Source-Doublet Potential Panel Methods, in the proceedings of and presented at the 50th AIAA-ASM Meeting, January 2012.
  • M.Damplo, C.Niezrecki, D.J.Willis, J.Chen, E.Niemi, S.Agnihotra, S.K.Manohar, K.J.Desabrais, and C.Charette, Sensing of Electrically Conductive Textiles and Capacitance Sensor-Embedded Fabrics for Parachutes, 2012 SPIE Smart Structures and Materials, Proc. SPIE 8345, 83452T (2012).
  • M.Damplo, C.Niezrecki, D.J.Willis, J.Chen, E.Niemi, S.Manohar, S.Agnihotra, K.Desabrais, Investigation of Sensing Textiles for Intelligent Parachute Systems , Presented at the 22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference, 25 – 28 March 2013.
  • K.Desabrais, N.Rondeau; J.Fitek; P.Gibson, T.Godfrey, D.J.Willis, Investigations of Parachute Fabric Permeability Under An Unsteady Pressure Differential, Presented at the 22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference, 25 – 28 March 2013.
  • D.J.Willis Pilot Study: Impact of Service and Traditional Projects on Student Motivation, Learning and Professional Perspectives, Presented at the 2013 ASEE Northeast Section Con- ference, Norwich University, VT, March 14-16, 2013.
  • D.J.Willis and P.-O.Persson, Generating LEVs on Energetically Optimal, Flapping Wing Designs by Modulating Leading Edge Angle, AIAA-Aerodynamics Conference 2013, San Diego, CA, June 2013.
  • D.J.Willis, Implementing Automatic-Wake Body Intersections for Full Aircraft Configurations in Dirichlet Panel Methods, AIAA-Aerodynamics Conference 2013, San Diego, CA, June 2013.
  • J.Vaillant, C.J.Hansen, J.Stolk, S.Johnston, S.Shina, D.J.Willis, ”Hands-On Made 4 ME: The impact of CNC technology in the early engineering curriculum”, Paper accepted for inclusion in conference proceedings, invited Poster to be presented at the NSF-Grantees special poster session, ASEE National Conference, 2014.
  • D.J.Willis, From Wakes to Wings: Using a Multi-fidelity Approach to Design Flapping Wings, Invited Paper, SPIE DSS14 Micro-Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications Conference, in session Micro Autonomous Systems Technology (MAST): Performance Bounds and Trade Space Studies, Presented May 8th 2014.

This website has been developed by David Willis and does not represent the views or opinions of the University of Massachusetts or any of the funding agencies mentioned herein.